Switch to the new calendar in Microsoft Teams for desktop to experience more streamlined scheduling, customizable calendar views, and much more. 

Note: The new Teams calendar is part of the public preview program and might undergo further changes before being released publicly. To get access to this and other upcoming features, switch to Teams public preview.

In this article

Switch to the new calendar

Find the right place to meet

Change your calendar view

Share your calendar

View other calendars

Print your calendar

Schedule and start meetings and events

Quickly access past meeting details

Create a scheduling poll

Switch to the new calendar

To start using the new calendar in Teams:

  1. Select Calendar  Teams Calendar tab icon​​​​​​​ in Teams.

  2. In the top right corner, or in More options  Microsoft Teams more options icon, turn on the New Calendar toggle.

You can always turn the toggle off to switch back to the classic calendar.

Note: Some meeting features aren't currently supported in the new Teams calendar, including Teams live events, live meeting indicators, channel chat, and breakout rooms.

Change your calendar view

Your Teams calendar will display your work week schedule by default, but you can choose to view your schedule for the entire week or specific days only. Select your current view at the top of your calendar to choose a different view. 

Screenshot highlighting the work week view in the new Teams calendar.

You can also:

  • Open the left pane to see the mini-month view, view other people’s calendars, create calendar groups, and more.

  • Change the time scale to adjust space for meeting details.

  • Save calendar views to access specific layouts later.

  • Select Filter to customize the types of events that appear on your calendar.

  • Select More options  Microsoft Teams more options icon > Calendar settings  Settings icon to change your calendar appearance, adjust event and meeting settings, and more.

To learn more, see Customize your calendar in Microsoft Teams.

View other calendars

In the new calendar, view multiple calendars at the same time for seamless coordination and event planning. Look at different people’s calendars, calendars that highlight birthdays or holidays, and more.  

  • In the top left corner, select Show navigation pane  Close pane image.

  • Under My calendars, create and select calendar groups to quickly bring up views of specific calendars later.

  • Switch between split and combined views to see other calendars side-by-side or integrated into one.

To learn more, see View other calendars in Microsoft Teams.

Schedule and start meetings and events

Easily schedule meetings and events of all types from the new calendar.   

To schedule a new meeting or event: 

  1. Select Calendar  Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams.

  2. Select New event or a timeslot in your calendar.

    1. Select the dropdown arrow next to New event to choose from different types of event templates. Select View all to see all event types and their details.

  3. Select Scheduling Assistant to find a time that works best for everyone.

  4. Enter meeting or event details.

  5. Select Save.

To join a meeting or event:

  1. Select Calendar  Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams.

  2. Select a meeting or event.

  3. Select Join.

To learn more about joining a Teams meeting, see Join a meeting in Microsoft Teams.

In the new Teams calendar:

  • Categorize meetings for easy organization.

  • Add sensitivity labels or make events and meetings private for added protection.

  • Start an instant Teams meeting by selecting Meet now. Choose the dropdown arrow next to Meet now to Join with an ID.

Note: Teams live events and Teams Premium-supported meeting templates aren’t currently supported in the new Teams calendar. To schedule these types of meetings and events, please switch back to the classic Teams calendar.

Create a scheduling poll

Before you schedule a meeting or event, create a Scheduling poll to ask attendees what time would work best for them.  

To create a scheduling poll: 

  1. Select Calendar Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams.

  2. Select New event and choose an event or meeting type.

  3. In Invite attendees, enter the names of people you want to add to this meeting.

  4. Select Scheduling poll.

  5. In the Scheduling poll pane:

    1. Finalize the time zone, duration, and date of the meeting you want to schedule.

    2. Select suggested times you want attendees to choose from in the poll.

    3. Select the dropdown arrow next to specific timeslots to see attendees’ availabilities during those times.

  6. Choose timeslots you want to add to your poll and select Next.

  7. Finalize details, your event location, and poll settings.

  8. Select Create poll. This will insert your poll into your email body which includes a link to the voting page and a link to all the polls you’ve created.

  9. Select Send to send the email and start the voting process.

To learn more about scheduling a poll, see Create a Scheduling Poll in Outlook for Windows

Find the right place to meet

When choosing a room or location for your meeting, you’ll see more details about available rooms, like capacity and technical specs. You’ll also see the option to Browse with Places Finder.  

To learn more, see Get started with Microsoft Places

Share your calendar

Share your calendar with others to give them insight into your schedule and availability. 

To share your calendar with someone specific: 

  1. Select Calendar  Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams.

  2. Select More options Microsoft Teams more options icon> Share.

  3. Enter the email address or contact you want to share with.

  4. Next to their name, select the dropdown menu to choose their permissions.

  5. Select Share.

Depending on policies set by your IT admin, you can also manage permissions for other people in your organization in the dropdown menu below. 

Print your calendar

Print out your calendar to distribute physical copies of it or keep it on-hand for markups and easy access. 

To print your calendar: 

  1. Select Calendar  Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams.

  2. Select More options Microsoft Teams more options icon>Print.

    1. Select Calendar to choose which calendar you want to print.

    2. In View, select which view of the calendar you want to print. If you choose Week or Work week, select Layout to choose the orientation of your calendar.

    3. In Time range, finalize which hours of your schedule you want to print.

    4. Select Mini month to print a small view of a monthly calendar.

    5. Select Print detailed agenda to print meeting and event details, including meeting descriptions, attendee lists, and more.

  3. Preview your calendar.

  4. Select Print.

Quickly access past meeting details

Go right to a past meeting’s recap, chat, and other details in the new Teams calendar. 

To access: 

  1. Select Calendar  Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams.

  2. Select a past recorded meeting.

  3. Select View recap to view the meeting recap.

  4. Select Chat  Teams Chat Tab icon​​​​​​​ to open the meeting chat.

To learn more about recap in Teams, see Meeting recap in Microsoft Teams

Related topics

Customize your calendar in Microsoft Teams

View multiple calendars in Microsoft Teams

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