Sign in and edit your profile
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Sign in to Viva Engage
Sign in at, select Log in, and enter your company email and password.
Or, from the left panel in Microsoft Teams, select the Viva Engage app.
Or, from anywhere in, select the app launcher in the upper-left corner, and select Viva Engage.
Or, from anywhere in, select the app launcher in the upper-left corner, and select Viva Engage.
Or, anywhere in, select the app launcher in the upper-left corner, and select Viva Engage.
Edit your profile
Select the Settings icon, and then select Edit Settings.
Your name, email, and work information is pulled in directly from your organization's directory.
Add information like your expertise, interests, and a link to your LinkedIn profile.
Select Save.
Now, coworkers can select your name or photo to learn more about you. Viva Engage can use this information to help you create connections and build a strong network