Define and use names in formulas
Summing up ways to add and count Excel data
Count how often a value occurs
Find external references (links) in a workbook
Calculate the average of a group of numbers
Sum values based on multiple conditions
Logically compare values with the IF function
IF function - nested formulas and avoiding pitfalls
Count cells using a single criteria, use the COUNTIF function
Count cells using multiple criteria, use the COUNTIFS function
Count unique values among duplicates
Add values that meet a single criteria with SUMIF function
Add all values that meet multiple criteria with SUMIFS function
Return the average of all cells that meet a single criteria with AVERAGEIF
Return the average of all cells that meet multiple criteria with AVERAGEIFS
Find table-like information within a function with CHOOSE
Retrieve information by location with INDEX
Look up values in a list of data
Date and Time Functions
Calculate the current date with the TODAY function
Create a date with the DATE function
Format a date the way you want
Identify the day of the week with WEEKDAY
Count working days with NETWORKDAYS
Determine a completion date with WORKDAY
Tabulate date/time differences with DATEDIF
Insert the current date and time in a cell
Calculate the difference between two dates
Text functions
Create a text string and format it with the TEXT function
Extract the leftmost characters from a text value with LEFT, LEFTB
Extract the rightmost characters from a text value with RIGHT, RIGHTB functions
Use CONCATENATE with functions
Combine the text from multiple ranges and/or strings with CONCAT (Excel 2016)
Locate a text string (case sensitive) within another string with FIND, FINDB functions
Locate a text string within another string with SEARCH, SEARCHB functions
Statistical functions
Find the middle value with MEDIAN
Rank data without sorting with RANK
Return the largest value in a data set with LARGE
Return the smallest value in a data set with SMALL
Tabulate blank cells with COUNTBLANK
Determine frequency distributions with FREQUENCY
Math functions
Round a number to the decimal places I want
Build random number generators with RAND
Generate random number between numbers you specify with RANDBETWEEN