Applies ToWindows 10, version 1809, all editions Windows Server 2019, all editions

Release Date:



OS Build 17763.348

Improvements and fixes

This update includes quality improvements. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:

  • Enables “Retpoline" for Windows on certain devices, which may improve performance of Spectre variant 2 mitigations (CVE-2017-5715). For more information, see our blog post, "Mitigating Spectre variant 2 with Retpoline on Windows".

  • Addresses an issue that may cause the Action Center to suddenly appear on the wrong side of the screen before appearing on the correct side.

  • Addresses an issue that may fail to save some inked content in a PDF in Microsoft Edge. This occurs if you erased some ink quickly after starting the inking session and then added more ink.

  • Addresses an issue that displays the media type as “Unknown” in the Server Manager for storage class memory (SCM) disks.

  • Addresses an issue with Remote Desktop access to Hyper-V Server 2019.

  • Addresses an issue with BranchCache when it is in distributed cache mode. BranchCache may use more disk space than assigned for the republication cache. To fully address the issue, devices that have exceeded the disk space assignments should empty BranchCache using the netsh branchcache flush command.

  • Addresses a performance issue when establishing a Remote Desktop connection from a web Remote Desktop client to Windows Server 2019.

  • Addresses a reliability issue that may cause the screen to remain black after resuming from Sleep if you close a laptop lid while disconnecting the laptop from a docking station.

  • Addresses an issue that causes the overwriting of file on a shared folder to fail because of an Access Denied error. This issue occurs when a filter driver is installed.

  • Enables peripheral role support for some Bluetooth radios.

  • Addresses an issue that may cause printing to PDF to fail during a Remote Desktop session. This issue occurs while attempting to save the file and redirect drives from the client system.

  • Addresses a reliability issue that may cause the main laptop screen to flash when resuming from Sleep. This issue occurs if the laptop is connected to a docking station that has an indirect display.

  • Addresses an issue that displays a black screen and causes a Remote Desktop session to stop responding when using certain VPN connections.

  • Updates time zone information for Chile.

  • Addresses an issue that fails to register USB cameras correctly for Windows Hello after the out of box experience (OOBE) setup.

  • Addresses an issue that prevents the Microsoft enhanced Point and Print compatibility driver from installing on Windows 7 clients.

  • Addresses an issue that causes Termservice to stop working when Remote Desktop is configured to use a hardware encoder for Advanced Video Coding (AVC).

  • Addresses an issue that locks a user account when you move applications to a shared platform using App-V.

  • Improves the reliability of the UE-VAppmonitor.

  • Addresses an issue that prevents App-V applications from starting and generates error 0xc0000225 in the log. Set the following DWORD to customize the maximum time for the driver to wait for a volume to be available:”HKLM\Software\Microsoft\AppV\MAV\Configuration\MaxAttachWaitTimeInMilliseconds”.

  • Addresses an issue with evaluating the compatibility status of the Windows ecosystem to help ensure application and device compatibility for all updates to Windows.

  • Addresses an issue that may prevent some applications from displaying the Help (F1) window correctly.

  • Addresses an issue that causes flickering of the desktop and taskbar on Windows Server 2019 Terminal Server after using the User Profile Disk setup.

  • Addresses an issue that fails to update a user hive when you publish an optional package in a Connection Group after the Connection Group was previously published.

  • Improves performance related to case-insensitive string comparison functions such as _stricmp() in the Universal C Runtime.

  • Addresses a compatibility issue with parsing and playback of certain MP4 content.

  • Addresses an issue that occurs with the Internet Explorer proxy setting and the out of box experience (OOBE) setup. The initial logon stops responding after Sysprep.

  • Addresses an issue in which the desktop lock screen image set by a Group Policy will not update if the image is older than or has the same name as the previous image.

  • Addresses an issue in which the desktop wallpaper image set by a Group Policy will not update if the image has the same name as the previous image.

  • Addresses an issue that causes the TabTip.exe touchscreen keyboard to stop working in certain conditions. This issue occurs when you use the keyboard in a kiosk scenario after replacing the default shell.

  • Addresses an issue that may cause the new Miracast connection banner to remain open after a connection is closed.

  • Addresses an issue  that may cause virtual disks to go offline when upgrading a 2-node Storage Space Direct (S2D) cluster from Windows Server 2016 to Windows Server 2019.

  • Addresses an issue that fails to recognize the first character of the Japanese Era name as an abbreviation and may cause date parsing issues.

  • Addresses an issue that may prevent Internet Explorer from loading images that have a backslash (\) in their relative source path.

  • Addresses an issue that may cause applications that use a Microsoft Jet database with the Microsoft Access 95 file format to randomly stop working.

  • Addresses an issue in Windows Server 2019 that causes input and output timeouts when querying for SMART Data using Get-StorageReliabilityCounter().

  • Addresses an issue in Windows Server 2019 that causes the Restart now button on the Windows Update settings page to fail with the error code "0x80070005".

If you installed earlier updates, only the new fixes contained in this package will be downloaded and installed on your device.

Known issues in this update



After installing this update, Internet Explorer 11 and other applications that use WININET.DLL may have authentication issues. This occurs when two or more people use the same user account for multiple, concurrent login sessions on the same Windows Server machine, including Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Terminal Server logons. Symptoms reported by customers include, but may not be limited to:

  • Cache size and location show zero or empty.

  • Keyboard shortcuts may not work properly.

  • Webpages may intermittently fail to load or render correctly.

  • Issues with credential prompts.

  • Issues when downloading files.

This issue is resolved in KB4493509.

After installing this update, users may receive “Error 1309” while installing or uninstalling certain types of MSI and MSP files.

This issue is resolved in KB4489899.

After installing KB4482887, users may notice graphics and mouse performance degradation with desktop gaming when playing certain games, such as Destiny 2.

This issue is resolved in KB4489899.

After installing this update on machines that have multiple audio devices, applications that provide advanced options for internal or external audio output devices may stop working unexpectedly. This issue occurs for users that select an audio output device different from the “Default Audio Device”. Examples of applications that may stop working include:

  • Windows Media Player

  • Realtek HD Audio Manager

  • Sound Blaster Control Panel

This issue is resolved in KB4490481.

After installing this update, MSXML6 causes applications to stop responding if an exception was thrown during node operations, such as appendChild(), insertBefore(), and moveNode().

The Group Policy editor may stop responding when editing a Group Policy Object (GPO) that contains Group Policy Preferences (GPP) for Internet Explorer 10 settings.

This issue is resolved in KB4493509.

Any compound document (OLE) server application that places embedded objects into the Windows Metafile (WMF) using the PatBlt API may display embedded objects incorrectly.

For example, if you paste a Microsoft Excel worksheet object into a Microsoft Word document, the cells may render with a different background color.

This issue is resolved in KB4493509.

Certain operations, such as rename, that you perform on files or folders that are on a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) may fail with the error, “STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL (0xC00000A5)”. This occurs when you perform the operation on a CSV owner node from a process that doesn’t have administrator privilege.

Do one of the following:

  • Perform the operation from a process that has administrator privilege.

  • Perform the operation from a node that doesn’t have CSV ownership.

Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.


How to get this update

Before installing this update

Microsoft strongly recommends you install the latest servicing stack update (SSU) for your operating system before installing the latest cumulative update (LCU). SSUs improve the reliability of the update process to mitigate potential issues while installing the LCU and applying Microsoft security fixes. For more information, see Servicing stack updates.

If you are using Windows Update, the latest SSU (KB4470788) will be offered to you automatically. To get the standalone package for the latest SSU, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog.

Install this update

To download and install this update, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and select Check for updates.

To get the standalone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website.

File information

For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file information for cumulative update 4482887.

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