Design in Publisher
Link text boxes
If you have too much text to fit in a text box, select or create another text box and link them.
Select the overflow button .
The cursor changes to a pitcher .
Select the text box you want the text to flow into, or click anywhere on the page to create a new text box for the overflow text.
Swap pictures
Drag and swap pictures from the scratch area to your layout until you find the layout you like.
Select a picture.
Drag the picture by the mountain icon where you want it.
When the pink highlight appears around the picture, release the mouse button.
Crop a picture
Select the picture.
Select Picture Tools Format > Crop.
Use the cropping handles to size the picture:
Drag a center handle to crop that side.
Hold Ctrl and drag a center handle to crop evenly on two sides.
Hold Ctrl+Shift and drag a corner handle to crop all four sides evenly.
Click outside the picture to crop.
Add effects to pictures
You can add effects like shadow, reflection, glow, soft edges, bevel, and 3-D rotation to pictures.
Select a picture.
Select Picture Tools Format > Picture Effects.
Select an effect: Shadow, Reflection, Glow, Soft Edges, Bevel, or 3-D Rotation.
Select the effect you want.
Add effects to text
You can add shadow, reflection, glow, and bevel effects to text.
Select the text you want to format.
Select Text Box Tools Format > Text Effects.
Select the type of effect: Shadow, Reflection, Glow, or Bevel.
Select the specific effect you want.
Add a building block
Publisher offers hundreds of building blocks to use in your publications, like headings, calendars, borders, and advertisements.
Select the Insert tab.
Select a building block:
Page Parts
Borders & Accents
See all building blocks
Select Show Building Block Library .
Select a building block in the library, and then select Insert.