Cancel a Copilot Pro subscription
Applies To
Microsoft account dashboardTo cancel your Microsoft Copilot Pro subscription, please follow the instructions below:
Go to the Subscriptions page of the Microsoft account used to purchase your subscription. It's important to use that account.Sign in
Note: If you purchased Microsoft Copilot Pro from Google Play or the Apple app store, contact their customer support for cancellation or refund.
Find your Copilot Pro subscription and select Manage.
If you cancel within a certain time (see the table below), you will receive a refund. If you cancel after the refund window, you will need to turn off recurring billing.
If you see Turn on recurring billing instead of a link that says Manage, this means your subscription is already set to expire on the date shown and you won't be automatically charged after this date. There's nothing further to do at this time and you can continue to use the product until the subscription expires.
On the next page, select Cancel.
Follow the instructions on the page to proceed with cancellation. To view our complete cancellation policy, see Microsoft Store Terms of Sale.
Microsoft Copilot Pro refund window
Country/region |
Refund window |
Canada Denmark Faroe Islands France French Guiana French Polynesia Greenland Guadeloupe Israel |
Korea Martinique Mayotte New Caledonia Réunion St. Pierre & Miquelon Turkey Wallis & Futuna |
To receive a prorated refund, cancel at any time. Learn more. |
All other countries |
To receive a prorated refund, cancel within 14 days of initial purchase. |
Learn more
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