Hide or unhide a column in a Project view in Project desktop
Applies Toไคลเอ็นต์เดสก์ท็อปของ Project Online Project Professional 2024 Project Standard 2024 Project Professional 2021 Project Standard 2021 Project Professional 2019 Project Standard 2019 Project Professional 2016 Project Standard 2016

Project has a wide range of field-based columns you can add to your view. To help you focus on specific details to manage your project, you can also hide any columns that are shown. Hiding a column doesn’t delete any data from your project; it only removes the column from your view until you need it again. Unlike Excel, Project doesn't have an Unhide command—to unhide a column, you just need to insert it again.

Here's how you hide a column:

  1. Display a sheet view, like the Gantt Chart.

  2. Right-click the header of the column you want to hide, and choose Hide Column.

    Hide Column command on the right-click menu

    Tip: If you hide a column by mistake, you can quickly get it back by pressing Undo Undo button.

Reinsert a column to unhide it

  1. Right-click the header of the column to the right of where you want to insert the hidden column.

  2. Choose Insert Column.

    Insert Column command on the right-click menu

  3. Pick the column you want show again.

Unhide Add New Column

If you've accidentally hidden the column Add New Column and realize it before you save and close your project, just choose Undo Undo button to get it back.

You can also restore the column like this:

  1. Choose View > Tables > More Tables.

    Tables command on the View tab

  2. In the More Tables dialog box, pick the view to which you want to add the column, and choose Edit.

    More Tables dialog box

  3. In the Table Definition dialog box, select the Show 'Add New Column' interface box.

    Table Definition dialog box



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