Applies ToWindows 11 Windows 10

Narrator supports the following MultiBraille braille displays on Windows.

To learn more about braille in Narrator, see Chapter 8: Using Narrator with braille.

For a list of all supported braille displays, see Appendix C: Supported braille displays.

Supported MultiBraille braille displays

All Models

Use the following commands with Narrator when using your MultiBraille model.

Narrator action

Display buttons

Primary action

  • 1 + 56

Secondary action

  • 3 + 4

Pan braille right

  • 6 + (E)

Pan braille left

  • 3 + (A)

Braille home

  • 32

Braille end

  • 56

Braille next

  • 4 + (D)

Braille previous

  • 1 + (B)

Cursor position

  • 3 + 6 + (CC)

Up several lines

  • 21

Down several lines

  • 45

Left one character

  • 3 + 1

Right one character

  • 4 + 6

Left one half window

  • 2 + 4 + 6

Right one half window

  • 3 + 1 + 5

Braille first

  • 321

Braille last

  • 456

Mute speech

  • 1 + 6

Route cursor to start of window

  • 21 + 45


  • 32 + 6

Cut end

  • 3 + 56


  • 321 + 4

Select navigation mode

  • 3 + 1 + 4 + 6

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