Shareable Page Deprecation
Applies ToClipchamp for personal accounts

Note: This article applies to Clipchamp for personal accounts and does not apply to Clipchamp for work accounts. Sharing exported videos in Clipchamp for work is not affected.

Microsoft Clipchamp is removing support for its shareable pages legacy functionality. Here’s what you need to know.

What are shareable pages?

When you export a video in Clipchamp, you can create a shareable page through the “Create video link” option. This generates a unique page for this exported video with a URL that looks like this:

It can get used to embed a video on a website or in a blog, add it as a link in an email or share on social media for others to view the video.

An image of the sharepages export page.

For existing editing projects and videos, you can manage their shareable pages via the menu in the top right of the video’s tile on the Clipchamp homepage. The functionality in this current form is getting discontinued.

Why the change?

Since becoming part of the Microsoft family, Clipchamp has been hard at work aligning itself with Microsoft's data protection and privacy standards. To ensure we can deliver the most secure and simple experience when helping you share your videos, we are transitioning the share pages functionality in our product's personal version to be handled via Microsoft OneDrive.

What will happen?

Due to the reasons mentioned above,

  • we will be removing the ability to create new shareable pages in Clipchamp for all users on January 21st, 2024 (PST), and

  • we will be removing all existing share pages on February 21st, 2024 (PST).

What effect will this have on me?

If you have any existing shareable pages, on February 21st, 2024 (PST), all your existing shareable pages will be removed and won’t be accessible anymore. If you have a link to a shareable page embedded somewhere, the link will stop working.

Due to this, we recommend transitioning any videos that you would like to be viewable by others to OneDrive prior to this date. In OneDrive, you can share files including videos as follows: Share files and folders in OneDrive (personal).

How will this impact my Clipchamp projects?

The deprecation of the shareable pages legacy functionality will not change your editing projects or videos that you have in place in Clipchamp. All of your current projects will remain as they are. What is changing is how you can share a completed video so others can watch it.

How can I share videos in the future?

To share your videos after January 21st, 2024 (or already earlier, if you like), use the OneDrive sharing integration located on Clipchamp's exporting page to generate a shareable link.

Just upload your video to OneDrive, then copy and paste the OneDrive link to share with your viewers or embed on your website.

An image of the OneDrive exporting option.

Uploading to OneDrive in Clipchamp creates a new shareable link and OneDrive-hosted shareable page for the video on a unique URL.

You can also go to and manage the video’s sharing settings through the file sharing options there. For more information on sharing OneDrive files, see Share files and folders in OneDrive.

In addition to OneDrive, you can also use one of the other available sharing options on the export page, such as Google Drive or YouTube.

Frequently asked questions

Why can’t I access my videos’ shareable pages?

We are deprecating all Clipchamp legacy shareable pages as of February 21st, 2024 (PST). From this date, you will no longer be able to access any shareable pages. You can, however, access your projects via your Clipchamp for personal use account. To continue sharing your Clipchamp personal videos, we recommend sharing via OneDrive. You can find the instructions to do so here: Share files and folders in OneDrive.

What does this mean for existing shareable pages?

All existing shareable pages will be deleted as of February 21st, 2024 (PST). This means that all data related to these pages will also be deleted and they will no longer be accessible to anyone.

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