Does Clipchamp add a watermark to videos?
Applies ToClipchamp for personal accounts Clipchamp for work accounts

Good news, Clipchamp does not add a visual, audio, or any other kind of watermark to your video editing projects or exported videos. 

Clipchamp for personal accounts

In Clipchamp for personal accounts, if you add premium stock media files to your project or use a feature that is not included in the plan that your Clipchamp account is on, no watermark gets added but you will not be able to export and save your video until you upgrade to the plan that includes the premium option. In such a case, Clipchamp will show small visual hints in the user interface to highlight the paid features that aren't included in your plan.

Clipchamp for work accounts

In Clipchamp for work, you can use all features and stock media files that are available to you in the Microsoft 365 license and Clipchamp service plan that your organization is on. There are no Clipchamp watermarks getting added to premium features. If a feature is not available to you, contact your Microsoft 365 administrator to upgrade your Clipchamp license plan.

Add your own watermark

While there is no Clipchamp watermark getting added, you can add your own if you like. See our quick video tutorial* to learn how to do just that.

*The video shows the steps in Clipchamp for personal accounts, you can use the same steps in Clipchamp for work when you're in an editing project in there.

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