Applies ToSkype for Business Skype for Business Basic Skype for Business Online

Set or change your photo preferences in Skype for Business.

Add or change your photo

  1. Click your picture (or the avatar if you don't have one set) in the Skype for Business main window to open the Options box.

  2. Click the Edit or Remove Picture button.

    Important: If the Edit or Remove Picture button is dimmed (not available), your organization has turned off the option that allows users to change their picture settings. See your technical support staff if you have questions about this policy.

  3. On your My account page in your Microsoft 365 account, click the Upload photo link and browse to the photo you want to use.

  4. Select your photo and click Save.

Hide your photo

  1. Click Hide my picture.

  2. Click OK.

Hide everyone else's photos

  1. Click on your picture in the main window.

  2. Select Personal.

  3. Under Show pictures, uncheck Show Pictures of contacts.

  4. Click OK.

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Add or update your picture in Skype for Business

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