Usually, a project has at least one file or document that needs to be stored somewhere. For example, there might be a project plan, a report, or a team photo. You can store these items on your site by adding the files to a library.

Sometimes, a file might be specific to a certain task in your project. For example, you might be using a site to plan a product release, and one of the tasks in your project is to promote the product at an event that requires travel. You might have a PDF of a map to the event location. You can attach that PDF, or any other related file, to the associated task in your task list.

To attach a file to a task:

  1. On the Quick Launch, click Tasks.

  2. Click the space beside the check box for a task in the task list to select it.

  3. On the Tasks tab, in the Actions group, click Attach File.

  4. Click Browse.

  5. On the Choose File to Upload dialog box, locate and select the file that you want to attach to the task, and then click Open.

  6. On the Attach File box, click OK to upload and attach the file to the selected task.

You can view a file that you have attached to a task by clicking the task name in the task list to open it for viewing. Click the name of the file, next to Attachments, to open it.

To remove a file that is attached to a task:

  1. On the Quick Launch, click Tasks.

  2. Click the space beside the check box for a task in the task list to select it.

  3. On the Tasks tab, in the Manage group, click Edit Item.

  4. Click Delete, next to the file name, which is listed next to Attachments.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

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