Applies ToOneNote for the web OneNote for Windows 10 Math Assistant

Graph handwritten or typed equations with Math Assistant in OneNote. You can even manipulate variables to see the visual effect of changes, turning Math Assistant into a powerful math coach.

Note: This feature is only available on OneNote for the web or OneNote for Windows 10. You must have a valid Microsoft 365 subscription. If you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber, make sure you have the latest version of Office.

  1. Open the OneNote desktop app or sign in to and select OneNote.

    Tip: If you don't see OneNote right away, open the App launcher App launcher button to find it.

  2. Open an existing notebook or create a new notebook.

  3. Select the Draw tab and write or type your equation.

  4. Use the Lasso Select tool to draw a circle around the equation.

  5. Select Math to open the Math Assistant pane.

  6. From the Select an action dropdown menu in the Math pane, select Graph in 2D or Graph Both Sides in 2D.

Graph options in the Math pane

To adjust the graph generated by Math Assistant, do any of the following where available:

Graph options in the Math Assistant pane

  • Select (or press and hold) and drag the graph in any direction to move its position.

  • Change the values of the parameters in your equation by selecting or tapping the + and  magnifying glass buttons to zoom in and out.

Note:  If you’re using OneNote on a touchscreen device, you can adjust the graph with your fingers. Use a single finger to move the graph. Pinch-zoom with two fingers to change magnification level. In OneNote for the web, you can use the arrows at the sides of the graph to reposition it.

  • Select or tap the double-arrow Reset icon to reset the graph to its original state.

  • When the graph looks the way you want, select or tap Insert on Page to place it as a screenshot on your current page.

Note: To change how a graph is expressed (degree, radian, gradians), select or tap Settings while the Math pane is open.

Advanced Graphing Features

Depending on the type of your graph, these features may be available:

  • Read x-y values:  Hover over a point on the graph line to see x and y values in OneNote for Windows 10. In OneNote for the web, a line to see the values.

    Display of x and y coordinates on the graph.

  • Manipulating parameters:  If you have an equation with parameters, such as ax+b, use the + and - signs below the graph to change the a and b values.

    Manipulate parameters of a and b on a graph.
  • Key graph features: Math Assistant calculates interesting information about the graph, such as zeros, intercepts, minima, maxima, and more. Use the checkboxes to select which features you'd like to display on the graph.

    Write a math equation in OneNote for Windows 10

Learn More

Create math equations with ink or text using Math Assistant in OneNote

Solve math equations with Math Assistant in OneNote

Problem types supported by Math Assistant

Generate a practice math quiz

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