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Many users find that using an external keyboard with keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Project helps them work more efficiently. For users with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than using the touchscreen, and are an essential alternative to using a mouse.


  • The shortcuts in this topic refer to the US keyboard layout. Keys for other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a US keyboard.

  • A plus sign (+) in a shortcut means that you need to press multiple keys at the same time.

  • A comma sign (,) in a shortcut means that you need to press multiple keys in order.

Important: Some keyboard shortcuts are only available to Project Online subscribers. New features are released gradually to subscribers, so your application might not have these features yet.

Note: To quickly find a shortcut in this article, you can use the Search. Press Ctrl+F, and then type your search words.

In this topic

Frequently used shortcuts

To do this


Open a project file (display the Open dialog box).


Open a project file (display the Open tab in the File menu).


Save a project file.


Create a new project.


Activate the entry bar to edit text in a field.


Activate the menu bar.

F10 or Alt

Activate the project control menu.

Alt+Hyphen (-) or Alt+Spacebar

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Navigate views and windows

To do this


Activate the entry bar to edit text in a field.


Activate the menu bar.

F10 or Alt

Activate the project control menu.

Alt+Hyphen (-) or Alt+Spacebar

Activate the split bar.


Close the program window.


Display all filtered tasks or all filtered resources.


Display the Field Settings dialog box.


Open a new window.


Reduce a selection to a single field.


Reset sort order to ID order and turn off grouping.


Select a drawing object.


Display task information.


Display resource information.


Display assignment information.


Turn on or off the Add To Selection mode.


Turn on or off Auto Calculate.


Turn on or off the Extend Selection mode.


In the Print window, move left, right, up, or down to view different pages in the print preview pane.

Alt+Arrow keys

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Use the main window

To do this


Switch between active dialog boxes and the main app.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.


Open the context menu for the selected item (the right-click menu).

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Shift+F10 or the Windows Menu key

Activate the ribbon.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.


Activate the view splitter.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.


Display the autofilter dropdown menu for the selected column.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.


Reapply the current filter.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.


Open the on-object menu for the selected cell.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.


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Use the Team Planner view

To do this


Expand or collapse a resource row or a grouping row.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Alt+Shift+Plus sign (+) or Minus sign (-)

Scroll the timescale left.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Alt+Left arrow key

Scroll the timescale right.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Alt+Right arrow key

Reschedule a scheduled task.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Ctrl+Arrow keys

Open the task information dialog box.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Select the task and press Enter

Reassign a task.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Ctrl+Up or Down arrow key

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Use the Timeline view

To do this


Cycle through the element types—task bar, milestone, callout, and timeline bar—when one of them is already selected.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Tab key or Down arrow key

Cycle through the element types in the opposite order—timeline bar, callout, milestone, task bar—when one of them is already selected.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Shift+Tab or Up arrow key

Go to the previous or next item of that type, for example, to the next milestone.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Left or Right arrow key

Scroll the timescale left.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Alt+Left arrow key

Scroll the timescale right.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Alt+Right arrow key

Move the item up or down to the next channel or timeline bar.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.

Ctrl+Up or Down arrow key

Open the task information dialog box.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.


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Outline a project

To do this


Hide subtasks.

Alt+Shift+Hyphen (-) or Alt+Shift+Minus sign on the numeric keypad (-)

Indent the selected task.

Alt+Shift+Right arrow key

Show subtasks.

Alt+Shift+Equal sign ( = ) or Alt+Shift+Plus sign on the numeric keypad (+)

Show all tasks.

Alt+Shift+Asterisk on the numeric keypad (*)

Remove a task indent.

Alt+Shift+Left arrow key

Move the selected task up. (The entire row must be selected.)

Alt+Shift+Up arrow key

Move the selected task down. (The entire row must be selected.)

Alt+Shift+Down arrow key

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Select and edit in a dialog box

To do this


Move between fields at the bottom of a form.

Arrow keys

Move into tables at the bottom of a form.

Left Alt+1 or Right Alt+2

Move to the next task or resource.


Move to the previous task or resource.


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Select and edit in a sheet view

Learn the shortcuts for editing, moving, and selecting items and using the timescale in a sheet view. 

Edit in a view

To do this


Add a new task.

Only available to Project Online subscribers.


Cancel an entry.


Clear or reset the selected field.


Copy the selected data.


Cut the selected data.


Delete the selected data.


Delete row that has a selected cell.

Ctrl+Minus sign on the numeric keypad (-)

Fill down a column.


Display the Find dialog box.

Ctrl+F or Shift+F5

In the Find dialog box, continue to the next instance of the search results.


Use the Go To command in the Edit menu.


Link tasks.


Paste the copied or cut data.


Reduce the selection to one field.


Undo the last action.


Unlink tasks.


Set the task to manually schedule.


Set the task to auto schedule.


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Move in a view

To do this


Move to the beginning of a project (timescale).


Move to the end of a project (timescale).


Move the timescale left.

Alt+Left arrow key

Move the timescale right.

Alt+Right arrow key

Move to the first field in a row.

Home or Ctrl+Left arrow key

Move to the first row.

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move to the first field of the first row.


Move to the last field in a row.

End or Ctrl+Right arrow key

Move to the last field of the last row.


Move to the last row.

Ctrl+Down arrow key

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Move in the side pane

To do this


Move the focus between the side pane and the view on the right side.


Select different controls in the side pane if the focus is in the side pane.

Tab key

Select or clear checkboxes and option buttons if the focus is in the side pane.


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Select in a view

To do this


Extend the selection down one page.

Shift+Page down

Extend the selection up one page.

Shift+Page up

Extend the selection down one row.

Shift+Down arrow key

Extend the selection up one row.

Shift+Up arrow key

Extend the selection to the first field in a row.


Extend the selection to the last field in a row.


Extend the selection to the start of the information.


Extend the selection to the end of the information.


Extend the selection to the first row.

Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow key

Extend the selection to the last row.

Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow key

Extend the selection to the first field of the first row.


Extend the selection to the last field of the last row.


Select all rows and columns.


Select a column.


Select a row.


Move within a selection down one field.


Move within a selection up one field.


Move within a selection right one field.

Tab key

Move within a selection left one field.


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Select and edit in the entry bar

To do this


Accept an entry.


Cancel an entry.


Delete one character to the left.


Delete one character to the right.


Delete one word to the right.


Extend the selection to the end of the text.


Extend the selection to the start of the text.


Turn on or off Overtype mode.


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Use a timescale

To do this


Move the timescale left one page.

Alt+Page up

Move the timescale right one page.

Alt+Page down

Move the timescale to beginning of the project.


Move the timescale to end of the project.


Scroll the timescale left.

Alt+Left arrow key

Scroll the timescale right.

Alt+Right arrow key

Show smaller time units.

Ctrl+Forward slash on the numeric keypad (/)

Show larger time units.

Ctrl+Asterisk on the numeric keypad (*)

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Use a Network Diagram

To do this


Move to a different Network Diagram box.

Arrow keys

Add Network Diagram boxes to the selection.

Shift+Arrow keys

Move a Network Diagram box.

Note: You need to set manual positioning first. Select the box you want to move. Select Format, and then select Layout. Select Allow manual box positioning.

Ctrl+Arrow keys

Move to the top Network Diagram box in the view or project.

Ctrl+Home or Shift+Ctrl+Home

Move to the lowest Network Diagram box in the project.

Ctrl+End or Shift+Ctrl+End

Move to the leftmost Network Diagram box in the project.

Home or Shift+Home

Move to the rightmost Network Diagram box in the project.

End or Shift+End

Move up one window height.

Page up or Shift+Page up

Move down one window height.

Page down or Shift+Page down

Move left one window width.

Ctrl+Page up or Shift+Ctrl+Page up

Move right one window width.

Ctrl+Page down or Shift+Ctrl+Page down

Select the next field in the Network Diagram box.

Enter or Tab key

Select the previous field in the Network Diagram box.


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Use OfficeArt objects

Move OfficeArt shapes

To do this


Nudge the shape up, down, right, or left.

Arrow keys

Increase the shape’s width by 10%.

Shift+Right arrow key

Decrease the shape’s width by 10%.

Shift+Left arrow key

Increase the shape’s height by 10%.

Shift+Up arrow key

Decrease the shape’s height by 10%.

Shift+Down arrow key

Increase the shape’s width by 1%.

Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow key

Decrease the shape’s width by 1%.

Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow key

Increase the shape’s height by 1%.

Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow key

Decrease the shape’s height by 1%.

Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow key

Rotate the shape 15 degrees to the right.

Alt+Right arrow key

Rotate the shape 15 degrees to the left.

Alt+Left arrow key

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Select and copy OfficeArt objects and text

To do this


Select an object (with text selected inside the object).


Select an object (with an object selected).

Tab key or Shift+Tab until the object you want is selected

Select text within an object (with an object selected).


Select multiple shapes.

Press and hold Ctrl while you select the shapes

Select multiple shapes with text.

Press and hold Shift while you select the shapes

Cut selected object.


Copy selected object.


Paste cut or copied object.


Paste special.


Copy formatting only.


Paste formatting only.


Group shapes, pictures, or WordArt.

Ctrl+G after you select the items that you want to group

Ungroup shapes, pictures, or WordArt.

Ctrl+Shift+G after you select the group that you want to ungroup

Undo the last action.


Redo the last action.


Add next object to a selection with multiple objects.

Ctrl+Click with mouse

Add next text box to a selection with multiple objects (allows selecting the text element in a text box).

Shift+Click with mouse

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Edit OfficeArt text and text boxes

To do this


Collapse selection.


Select all text.


Delete one word to the left.


Delete one word to the right.


Undo an action.


Redo an action.


Move one word to the left.

Ctrl+Left arrow key

Move one word to the right.

Ctrl+Right arrow key

Move to the beginning of the line.


Move to the end of the line.


Move up one paragraph.

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move down one paragraph.

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Move to the beginning of the object’s text.


Move to the end of the object’s text.


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See also

Project help & learning

Screen reader support for Project

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Project

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk.

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