We're sorry that you're having trouble syncing your OneDrive. To help get you syncing again, follow the steps below to unlink and re-link your computer to OneDrive.
No data will be lost by unlinking and re-linking your OneDrive, your local folders are just disconnected from the cloud for a short while. Any changes made while you're unlinked will be synced once re-linking is complete.
This article is for users who have a Microsoft 365 work or school account, and refers to the latest version OneDrive for work or school. If you don't sign in with a Microsoft 365 account, read how to Fix OneDrive for Business sync problems. If you're not sure which version of OneDrive for work or school you need, contact your Microsoft 365 Administrator.
Unlink your OneDrive account
Select the OneDrive cloud in your notification area to show the OneDrive pop-up.
Select the OneDrive Help and Settings icon then select Settings.
Go to the Account tab.
Select Unlink this PC, and then select Unlink account.
Clear sign in credentials
Press the Windows key + R to open a "Run" dialog.
Enter the path %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\settings and select OK.
Delete the PreSignInSettingsConfig.json file.
Sign in again to re-link your account
Press the Windows key and type OneDrive.
Select the OneDrive app and sign in when prompted.
When you sign in, OneDrive will prompt you that a folder already exists: select Use this folder.
Tip: Select Choose new folder if you want to move your OneDrive to a new location.
OneDrive will now sync your files and folders back to your computer. OneDrive won't download all your files, (just their placeholders to save space, learn more), but this will still take some time.
Once your files have re-synced, you can clean up your Computer folder view and choose which folders to sync to your PC.
Unlink your OneDrive account
Click the OneDrive cloud icon up in your Menu bar, click Help & Settings to open the menu, and select Preferences.
Go to the Account tab.
Select Unlink this Mac.
Clear sign in credentials
Open the Keychain Access app on your Mac. If your keychains aren’t visible, choose Window > Keychain Access.
Select a keychain in the Keychains list.
Choose File > Delete Keychain [OneDrive/Office/MS].
Click Delete References.
Sign in again to re-link your account
Open OneDrive.
When you sign in, OneDrive will prompt you that a folder already exists: select Use this folder.
Tip: Select Choose new folder if you want to move your OneDrive to a new location.
OneDrive will now sync your files and folders back to your computer. OneDrive won't download all your files, (just their placeholders to save space, learn more), but this will still take some time.
Once your files have re-synced, you can clean up your Computer folder view and choose which folders to sync to your PC.
Still having problems?
Use our guided support troubleshooting tool or follow the steps in the sections below.
Sign in to Office 365 with your work or school account.
Now select the blue work or school OneDrive cloud icon in the notification area or menu bar.
Note: On a pc, you might need to click the Show hidden icons arrow next to the notification area to see the OneDrive icon, or click
and start typing "select which icons" to display the notification area settings option, and then show Microsoft OneDrive. If the icon still doesn't appear in the notification area, OneDrive might not be running. Click , type OneDrive in the search box, and then click OneDrive (not "OneDrive for work or school" as that may be an older version) in the search results. -
Select View online
If you cannot access your OneDrive for work or school online, contact your Network Administrator.
Note: Your IT admin may restrict what updates you are entitled to receive.
OneDrive and Windows are frequently updated and keeping your PC up to date can help sync problems.
Download the latest Windows updates or check for macOS updates to get the most out of OneDrive.
Download the latest version of OneDrive and install it.
Note: If you already have the latest version, the installer setup will end automatically. For more information on the latest version, read the release notes.
Press the Windows key and type OneDrive
Open the OneDrive app.
When OneDrive Setup starts, enter your work or school credentials, and then select Sign in to set up your account.
If you see the sync icon stuck for a long period of time, moving some files out of a sync folder can help clear any sync issues.
Open OneDrive settings (select the OneDrive cloud icon in your notification area, and then select the OneDrive Help and Settings icon )
Select Pause syncing.
Choose how long you want to pause OneDrive.
After choosing the time, perform the following:
Select a file from one of your sync folders and move it to a different folder that's not part of OneDrive.
again and select Resume syncing... -
Once sync is complete, move the file back again.
The Support and Recovery Assistant app can help you identify and fix several issues with OneDrive for work or school sync. Read how to use the Office 365 Support and Recovery Assistant.
If your account or environment is not supported by the Support and Recovery Assistant, try these steps to get sync running on your PC.
Resetting OneDrive can sometimes resolve sync issues. OneDrive will perform a full sync after the reset.
Resetting OneDrive disconnects all your existing sync connections (including personal OneDrive and OneDrive for work or school if set up).
You won't lose files or data by resetting OneDrive on your computer.
Learn how to Reset OneDrive.
See also
What do the OneDrive icons mean?
What do the OneDrive error codes mean?
How to cancel or stop sync in OneDrive
Need more help?
Contact Support For technical support, please contact your IT admin. |
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