Applies ToExcel 2013

So, you've named a range of cells, and ... perhaps you forgot the location. You can find a named range by using the Go To feature—which navigates to any named range throughout the entire workbook.

  1. You can find a named range by going to the Home tab, clicking Find & Select, and then Go To. Or, press Ctrl+G on your keyboard.

  2. In the Go to box, double-click the named range you want to find.The Go To dialog box


  • The Go to popup window shows named ranges on every worksheet in your workbook.

  • To go to a range of unnamed cells, press Ctrl+G, enter the range in the Reference box, and then press Enter (or click OK). The Go to box keeps track of ranges as you enter them, and you can return to any of them by double-clicking.

  • To go to a cell or range on another sheet, enter the following in the Reference box: the sheet name together with an exclamation point and absolute cell references. For example: sheet2!$D$12 to go to a cell, and sheet3!$C$12:$F$21 to go to range.

  • You can enter multiple named ranges or cell references in the Reference box. Separating each with a comma, like this: Price, Type, or B14:C22,F19:G30,H21:H29. When you press Enter or click OK, Excel will highlight all the ranges.

More about finding data in Excel

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