Applies ToMicrosoft Forms

Tip: Learn more about Microsoft Forms or get started right away and create a survey, quiz, or poll. Want more advanced branding, question types, and data analysis? Try Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

  1. Go to Microsoft Forms and sign in with your Microsoft 365 work or school account or Microsoft personal account (Hotmail, Live, or

    Note: You can also log in to, look for the Microsoft 365 icons on the left, and then select Forms.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of your page and select All My Forms.Link to All My Forms for Microsoft forms on

  3. On the form you want to copy, select More options buttonMore options in the upper right corner of its tile, and then choose Copy.

    Tip: If you don't see form tiles, you might be in List view instead of Tiles view. To copy a form within List view, hover to the right of the form, select More options > Copy.

  4. You'll see a duplicate form at the top of your list under All My Forms. It will have the same name as your original form.

When you copy a form, only the questions, format, and layout are copied. No existing responses are carried over to the new form. Microsoft Forms gives the new form the same name as the existing form, which you can change to what you want.

Need to make a duplicate of a form or quiz for others to edit?

You can create a special link that allows others to duplicate the quiz or form to their own Microsoft Forms portal. Learn how.

Feedback for Microsoft Forms

We want to hear from you! To send feedback about Microsoft Forms, go to the upper right corner of your form and select More form settings  More options button > Feedback.

See Also

Share a form to collaborate

Share a form or quiz as a template

Delete a form or recover a deleted form

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