Change your picture size
Applies ToMicrosoft Forms

Tip: Learn more about Microsoft Forms or get started right away and create a survey, quiz, or poll. Want more advanced branding, question types, and data analysis? Try Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

Once you add a picture to a question in Microsoft Forms, you can adjust the size by making it larger, making it smaller, or zooming in to focus on one part of it. You can also add alternative text to images for screen readers to narrate.

Make your picture small or large

  1. In Microsoft Forms, open the form you want to edit.

  2. Select the picture you want to edit next to a specific question.

  3. Select Edit to view the picture editing options.

  4. By default, the picture displays as Small  . To enlarge it, select Large Make your image larger.

Zoom in or out on a picture

  1. To zoom in on a specific area of the picture, select Zoom In Zoom in to the picture to adjust it, and then click and drag or tap and drag to center it where you want.

  2. To zoom out, select Zoom Out Zoom out on the image, and then click and drag or tap and drag to center it where you want.

Add Alternative text

Select Alternative text for screen readers (icon with a letter in it), and then enter the text you want to have screen readers narrate when it's focused on the picture.

Feedback for Microsoft Forms

We want to hear from you! To send feedback about Microsoft Forms, go to the upper right corner of your form and select More form settings  More options button > Feedback.

See Also

Add a picture to a question

Delete a picture

Add a video to a question

Adjust your form settings

Send your form to others

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