You can add fields to a view or table to customize the types of project data that Microsoft Project displays. If you are a programmer, you can also use fields in views and functions to modify Project to suit the needs of your organization.
A field contains one kind of information and is part of a table, a form view, or the timephased area of a usage view. Project has several kinds of fields:
If you want to add a field to a view, click the Format tab. In the Columns group, click Insert Column.
Task and task-timephased fields
Task fields show task-related information and can be displayed in task views such as the Gantt Chart, Task Sheet, and Network Diagram views.
Task-timephased fields show information for each task as distributed over its duration. These fields can be displayed in the timephased part of the Task Usage view.
Resource and resource-timephased fields
Resource fields show information for each resource, including summarized information about all tasks assigned to each resource. They can be displayed in resource views such as the Resource Sheet and Resource Usage views.
Resource-timephased fields show information for each resource as distributed over the duration of resource availability on the project. These fields can be displayed in the timephased portion of the Resource Usage view.
Assignment and assignment-timephased fields
Assignment fields show information for each assignment. They can be displayed in the sheet portion of the Task Usage and Resource Usage views and at the bottom of the Task Form and Resource Form views. You can change the assignment field that appears at the bottom of the Task Form or Resource Form view by clicking in the area, clicking the Format tab, and then clicking a command.
Assignment-timephased fields show information for each assignment as distributed over its duration. These fields can be displayed in the timephased portion of the Resource Usage and Task Usage views.
Note: Some fields are available only if you are using Project Professional.
Field |
Description |
With the Active field, you can inactivate tasks to remove them from the Project plan. Inactive tasks remain available for use in a later phase, a later project, or for reporting or historical purposes. Inactive tasks no longer affect other tasks or the overall Project schedule. |
The Actual Cost field shows costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks, together with any other recorded costs associated with the task. |
The Actual Duration field shows the span of actual working time for a task to this point, based on the scheduled duration and current remaining work or percent complete. |
The Actual Finish field shows the date and time when a task or assignment was completed. |
The Actual Overtime Cost field shows costs incurred for overtime work already performed on tasks by assigned resources. |
The Actual Overtime Work field contains the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The Actual Start field shows the date and time that a task or an assignment actually began, based on progress information that you entered. |
The Actual Work field shows the amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The ACWP (actual cost of work performed) field shows costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date. |
The Assignment Delay field shows the time a resource must wait before starting work on an assignment. No information is actually displayed in the Assignment Delay fields; they only make the corresponding Assignment Delay field information available. |
The Assignment Units field shows how much the assigned resources are allocated to a task. |
The Baseline Budget Cost field displays the originally planned budget for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Budget Work field displays the originally planned budget work amounts for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Cost field shows the total planned cost for a task, a resource for all assigned tasks, or for work to be performed by a resource on a task. |
The Baseline Deliverable Finish field contains the planned deliverable finish date saved with the project baseline. Project Professional only |
The Baseline Deliverable Start field contains the originally planned deliverable start date saved with the project baseline. Project Professional only |
The Baseline Duration field shows the original span of time planned to complete a task. |
The Baseline Finish field shows the planned completion date for a task or assignment at the time that you saved a baseline. |
The Baseline Start field shows the planned start date for a task or assignment at the time that you saved a baseline. |
The Baseline Work field shows the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Cost fields store the originally planned budget cost amounts for cost resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Work fields store the originally planned budget work amounts for work resources and material resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Cost fields store the total planned cost for a task, a resource, or an assignment. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Deliverable Finish fields contain the planned deliverable finish dates saved with the corresponding project baselines. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Deliverable Start fields contain the planned deliverable start dates saved with the corresponding project baselines. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Duration fields store the span of time planned to complete a task. |
The Baseline0-10 Estimated Duration fields show the approximated span of time planned to complete a task. When you set a baseline, Microsoft Project copies the Scheduled Duration values for tasks and stores them in the Baseline Estimated Duration fields (Baseline Estimated Duration to Baseline1 Estimated Duration through Baseline10 Estimated Duration). This is true whether the tasks are manually or automatically scheduled. |
When you set a baseline, Microsoft Project copies the Scheduled Finish dates for a task or assignment and stores them in the Baseline Estimated Finish fields (Baseline Estimated Finish to Baseline1 Estimated Finish through Baseline10 Estimated Finish). This is true whether the tasks are manually or automatically scheduled. |
When you set a baseline, Microsoft Project copies the Scheduled Start dates for a task or assignment and stores them in the Baseline Estimated Start fields (Baseline Estimated Start to Baseline1 Estimated Start through Baseline10 Estimated Start). This is true whether the tasks are manually or automatically scheduled. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Finish fields store the planned completion date for a task or resource assignment at the time that you save a corresponding baseline. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Start fields store the planned start date for a task or assignment at the time that you save a corresponding baseline. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Work fields store the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the cumulative value of the task's, resource's, or assignments's percent complete multiplied by the timephased baseline costs. |
The BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled) field contains the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date. |
The Budget Cost field is used to enter or review budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Budget Work field is used to enter or review budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Complete Through field shows the progress of a task on the Gantt Chart view, indicating the point up to which actuals have been reported for the task. |
The Confirmed field indicates whether resources assigned to a tasks have accepted or rejected their task assignments. |
The Constraint Date field shows the specific date associated with certain constraint types, such as Must Start On, Must Finish On, Start No Earlier Than, Start No Later Than, Finish No Earlier Than, and Finish No Later Than. |
The Constraint Type field provides choices for the type of constraint you can apply for scheduling a task. |
The Contact field contains the name of an individual responsible for a task. |
The Cost field shows the total scheduled or projected cost for a task, resource, or assignment, based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work. |
The Cost Rate Table field provides choices for which cost rate table to use for the resources assigned to a task. |
The Cost Variance assignment field shows the difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Cost1 through Cost10 fields can store custom task, resource, or assignment cost information. |
The CPI (cost performance index) field shows the ratio of budgeted (or baseline) costs of work performed to actual costs of work performed, up to the project status date or today's date. |
The Created field contains the date and time when a task was added to the project. |
The Critical field indicates whether a task or an assignment's task has any room in the schedule to slip, or if a task is on the critical path. |
The CV (earned value cost variance) field shows the difference between the projected cost and the actual cost required to achieve the current level of completion up to the status date or today's date. |
The CV% (cost variance percent) field shows the ratio of cost variance (CV) to budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), expressed as a percentage. |
The Date1 through Date10 fields store task, resource, or assignment date information. |
The Deadline field shows the date you enter as a deadline for the task. A deadline is a target date that indicates when you want a task to be completed. |
For each task that has a deliverable associated with it, the Deliverable Finish field displays the scheduled finish date of that deliverable. Project Professional only |
For each task that has a deliverable associated with it, the Deliverable GUID field displays the globally unique identifier (GUID) for that deliverable. Project Professional only |
For each task that has a deliverable associated with it, the Deliverable Name field displays the name or title of that deliverable. Project Professional only |
For each task that has a deliverable associated with it, the Deliverable Start field displays the scheduled start date of that deliverable. Project Professional only |
The Deliverable Type field indicates whether the current task has an associated deliverable, and whether that deliverable is produced by the current task or produced by a separate project or task upon which the current task is dependent. Project Professional only |
The Duration field shows the total span of active working time for a task. |
The Duration Variance field contains the difference between the baseline duration of a task and the total duration (current estimate) of a task. |
The Duration1 through Duration10 fields store any task, resource, or assignment duration information. |
The EAC (estimate at completion) field shows the expected total cost of a task based on performance up to the status date. |
The Early Finish field contains the earliest date that a task could possibly finish, based on early finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, other constraints, and any leveling delay. |
The Early Start field contains the earliest date that a task could possibly begin, based on the early start dates of predecessor and successor tasks and other constraints. |
The Earned Value Method field provides choices for whether the % Complete or Physical % Complete field should be used to calculate budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP). |
The Effort Driven field indicates whether the scheduling for the task is effort-driven scheduling. |
The Enterprise Cost1 through Enterprise Cost10 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment cost information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Date1 through Enterprise Date30 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment date information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Duration1 through Enterprise Duration10 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment duration information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Flag1 through Enterprise Flag20 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment flag information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Project Number1 through Enterprise Project Number40 fields can store any custom project number information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Task Outline Code1 through Enterprise Task Outline Code30 fields contain an alphanumeric code that represents a flat list or hierarchical structure of tasks (for example, cost accounting codes associated with tasks). Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Text1 through Enterprise Text40 fields can store any custom text information for tasks, resources, or assignments as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions Project Professional only |
The Error Message field is used by the Import Resources Wizard and Import Project Wizard to show errors upon importing resource and task information respectively into Project Server. Project Professional only |
The Estimated field indicates whether the task's duration is flagged as an estimate. |
The External Task field indicates whether the task is linked from another project or whether it originated in the current project. |
The Finish field shows the date when a task is scheduled to be completed. |
The Finish Slack field contains the duration between the Early Finish and Late Finish dates. |
The Finish Variance field contains the time that represents the difference between the baseline finish date of a task or assignment and its current finish date. |
The Finish1 through Finish10 fields can store any task, resource, or assignment finish date information. |
The Fixed Cost Accrual field provides choices for how and when fixed costs are to be charged, or accrued, to the cost of a task. |
The Fixed Cost field shows any nonresource task expense. |
The Flag1 through Flag20 fields indicate whether a task, resource, or assignment is marked for additional action or identification of some kind. |
The Free Slack field contains the time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks. |
The Group By Summary field indicates whether this row in the task or resource sheet is the summary row for tasks or resources grouped by a particular category. |
The Health field contains the current status or condition, such as Early or Completed, of the current task as selected in the Health lookup table, which is shipped with Microsoft Project Server and can be modified to reflect an organization’s specific status measures. Project Professional only |
The Hide Bar field indicates whether the Gantt bars and Calendar bars for a task are hidden. |
The Hyperlink field shows the title or explanatory text for a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink Address field contains the address for a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink Href field contains the combination, or concatenation, of the Hyperlink Address and Hyperlink SubAddress fields associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink SubAddress field contains the specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The ID field contains the identifier number that Project automatically assigns to each task or resource as you add them to the project. |
The Ignore Resource Calendar field indicates whether the scheduling of the task considers the calendars of the resources assigned to the task. |
When Microsoft Project detects a potential scheduling conflict with a manually scheduled task, it generates a warning and the field containing the problem data is underlined in red. The Ignore Warnings field indicates whether you have chosen to hide the schedule conflict warning indicator. |
The Indicators field displays indicators that give different types of information about a task or resource. |
The Late Finish field contains the latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project. |
The Late Start field contains the latest date that a task can start without delaying the finish of the project. |
The Level Assignments field indicates whether the leveling function can delay and split individual assignments (instead of the whole task) in order to resolve overallocations. |
The Leveling Can Split field indicates whether the resource leveling function can cause splits on remaining work on this task. |
The Leveling Delay field contains the time that a task or assignment is to be delayed from its early start date because of resource leveling. |
The Linked Fields field indicates whether there are OLE links to the task, resource, or assignment, either from elsewhere in this project file, from another Microsoft Project file, or from another program. |
The Marked task field indicates whether a task is marked for additional action or identification of some kind. |
The Milestone field indicates whether a task is a milestone. |
The Name field contains the name of a task or a resource. |
The Negative Slack field shows the amount of negative slack for a task on the Gantt Chart view, indicating the time that must be saved so that successor tasks are not delayed. |
The Notes field contains comments you can enter about a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Number1 through Number20 fields store any numeric information that you want to include in your project that relate to tasks, resources, or assignments. |
The Objects field contains the number of objects attached to a task or associated with a resource. |
The Outline Code1 through Outline Code10 fields contain an alphanumeric code you define to represent a hierarchical structure of tasks or resources. |
The Outline Level field indicates the put of a task or assignment in the project outline hierarchy. |
The Outline Number field contains the number that represents a task's position in the hierarchical outline structure. |
The Overallocated field indicates whether a resource is assigned to more work on a specific task or all tasks than can be completed within normal working capacity. |
The Overtime Cost field shows the total overtime cost for a task, for a resource on all assigned tasks, or for a resource assignment. |
The Overtime Work field contains the amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task, for all tasks assigned to a resource, or by a resource on a task, and charged at the overtime rates of the resources involved. |
The Peak field indicates the maximum percentage or number of units for which a resource is working at any one time on an assignment. |
The % Complete field contains the current status of a task, expressed as the percentage of the task's duration that has been completed. |
The % Work Complete field contains the current status of a task, resource, or assignment, expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed. |
The Physical % Complete field shows an entered percent complete value that can be be used as an alternative for calculating budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP). |
Placeholder tasks are manually scheduled tasks that do not have enough information to be scheduled. When you enter a manually scheduled task without a valid start or finish date and without a valid duration, Microsoft Project designates the task as having a Placeholder task mode. |
The Predecessors field lists the task ID numbers for the predecessor tasks on which the task depends before it can be started or finished. |
The Preleveled Finish field contains the finish date of a task as it was before resource leveling was done. |
The Preleveled Start field contains the start date of a task as it was before resource leveling was done. |
The Priority field indicates the level of importance given to a task, which in turn indicates how readily a task or assignment can be delayed or split during resource leveling. |
The Project field shows the name of the subprojects where tasks, resources, or assignments originate. |
The Publish field indicates whether the current task should be published to Project Server with the rest of the project. By default, this field is set to Yes. Project Professional only |
The Recurring field indicates whether a task is part of a series of recurring tasks. |
The Regular Work field shows the total amount of nonovertime work scheduled to be performed by resources. |
The Remaining Cost field shows the remaining scheduled expense that will be incurred in completing the remaining scheduled work. |
The Remaining Duration field shows the time that is required to complete the unfinished part of a task. |
The Remaining Overtime Cost field shows the remaining scheduled overtime expense for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Remaining Overtime Work field shows the amount of remaining scheduled overtime. |
The Remaining Work field shows the time, such as person-hours or days, still required to complete a task or set of tasks. |
The Resource Group field contains the groups to which resources belong. |
The Resource Initials field shows the abbreviations for the names of resources. |
The Resource Names field lists the names of all resources assigned to a task. |
The Resource Phonetics field is used only in the Japanese version of Project. |
The Resource Type field indicates whether resources assigned to this task are work or material resources. |
The Response Pending field indicates whether an acknowledgement has been received from team members assigned to tasks. |
The Resume field shows the date that the remaining part of a task is scheduled to resume after you enter any progress, for example, % Complete, % Work Complete, Actual Work, Actual Duration, or Actual Start. |
For subtasks, the Rollup field indicates whether information about the subtask Gantt bars will be rolled up to the summary task bar |
The Scheduled Duration field shows the total span of active working time for a task as entered or as calculated by Microsoft Project based on start date, finish date, calendars, and other scheduling factors. |
The Scheduled Finish field indicates the date when work on a task is scheduled to be complete as calculated by Microsoft Project based on the start date, duration, dependencies, calendars, and other scheduling factors. |
The Scheduled Start field indicates the date when work on a task is scheduled to begin as calculated by Microsoft Project, based on dependencies, constraints, calendars, and other scheduling factors. |
The SPI (schedule performance index) field shows the ratio of the budgeted cost of work performed to the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWP/BCWS). |
The Start field shows the date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task. |
The Start Slack field contains the duration between the Early Start and Late Start dates. The |
The Start Variance field contains the time that represents the difference between a baseline start date of a task or assignment and its currently scheduled start date. |
The Start1 through Start10 fields show any specific task, resource, or assignment start date information that you want to enter and store separately in your project. |
The Status field indicates the current status of a task: Complete, On Schedule, Late, or Future Task. |
The Status Indicator field displays an icon that represents the current status of a task. |
The Status Manager field contains the name of the enterprise resource who is to receive status updates for the current task from resources working in Microsoft Project Web App. |
The Stop field shows the date that represents the end of the actual portion of a task. |
The Subproject File field contains the name of a project inserted into the active project file. |
The Subproject Read Only field indicates whether the subproject of this task is a read-only project. |
The Successors field lists the task ID numbers for the successor tasks to a task. |
The Summary field indicates whether a task is a summary task. |
The Summary Progress field shows the progress on a summary task, based on the progress of its subtasks and where these subtasks have been scheduled. |
The SV (earned value schedule variance) field shows the difference in cost between the current progress and the baseline plan of a task, all assigned tasks of a resource, or for an assignment up to the status date or today's date. |
The SV% (schedule variance percent) field shows the ratio of schedule variance (SV) to budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), expressed as a percentage. |
The Task Calendar field lists all calendars available to be applied to a task. |
The Task Calendar GUID field contains the generated unique identification codes for each task calendar in your project. No two task calendars will have the same Task Calendar GUID. |
The Task GUID field contains the generated unique identification codes for each task in your project. |
The Task Mode field indicates whether a task is scheduled manually or automatically, which gives you the option of deciding how much control you want over task scheduling in a project. By default, tasks are set as manually scheduled, with a start date, finish date, and duration that you define. |
The Task Summary Name field contains the names of the summary tasks associated with each task. Only available to Project Online subscribers. |
The TCPI (to complete performance index) field shows the ratio of the work remaining to be done to funds remaining to be spent, as of the status date. |
The TeamStatus Pending field indicates whether you've received a response to a progress request you've sent to a resource about assigned tasks. |
The Text Above field indicates where text on the subtask Gantt bars appears when rolled up to the summary task bar. |
The Text1 through Text30 fields store any text information that you want to include in your project about tasks, resources, or assignments. |
The Total Slack field contains the time a task's finish date can be delayed without delaying the project's finish date. |
The Type field provides choices that control the effect that editing work, assignment units, or duration has on the calculations of the other two fields. |
The Unique ID field contains the number that Project automatically designates whenever a new task, resource, or assignment is created in the current project. |
The Unique ID Predecessors field lists the unique ID numbers for the predecessor tasks on which a task depends before it can be started or finished. |
The Unique ID Successors field lists the unique ID numbers for the successor tasks to a task. |
The Update Needed field indicates whether a Project Server update should be sent to the assigned team members because of changes to a task's start date, finish date, or assignments. |
The VAC field shows the variance at completion (VAC), which is the difference between the budgeted at completion (BAC) or baseline cost and estimated at completion (EAC) cost for a task, resource, or assignment on a task. |
The Warning field indicates whether Microsoft Project has identified a potential scheduling conflict with a manually scheduled task's start date, finish date, or duration, for example, a problem with a task link or a date constraint. The information with the potential problem is underlined in red. You can then right-click the field to read the warning or suggestion to improve the project. |
The WBS field contains work breakdown structure (WBS) codes. |
The WBS Predecessors field lists the work breakdown structure (WBS) codes associated with the predecessor tasks on which the task depends before it can start or finish. |
The WBS Successors field lists the work breakdown structure (WBS) codes associated with the successor tasks. |
The Work field shows the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources, the total time to which a resource is scheduled on all assigned tasks, or the total amount of time scheduled for a resource on a task. |
The Work Contour field provides choices for the contour shape to use for the resources assigned to a task. |
The Work Variance field contains the difference between baseline work of a task, resource, or assignment and the currently scheduled work. |
Field |
Description |
The Actual Cost field shows costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks, together with any other recorded costs associated with the task. |
The Actual Fixed Cost field shows actual timephased non-resource task expenses, charged over time according to the cost accrual method you've selected. |
The Actual Overtime Work field contains the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The Actual Work field shows the amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The ACWP (actual cost of work performed) field shows costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date. |
The Baseline Budget Cost field displays the originally planned budget for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Budget Work field displays the originally planned budget work amounts for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Cost field shows the total planned cost for a task, a resource for all assigned tasks, or for work to be performed by a resource on a task. |
The Baseline Work field shows the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Cumulative Work fields contain the amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time, when the baseline was set. |
The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Remaining Cumulative Work fields contain the remaining amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, when the baseline was set. |
The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Remaining Tasks fields contain the number of scheduled subtasks that remained to be completed on a given day for a summary task, when the baseline was set. They also contain the number of scheduled tasks that remained to be completed on a given day for a subproject, when the baseline was set. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Cost fields store the originally planned budget cost amounts for cost resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Work fields store the originally planned budget work amounts for work resources and material resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Cost fields store the total planned cost for a task, a resource, or an assignment. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Work fields store the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the cumulative value of the task's, resource's, or assignments's percent complete multiplied by the timephased baseline costs. |
The BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled) field contains the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date. |
The Budget Cost field is used to enter or review budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Budget Work field is used to enter or review budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Cost field shows the total scheduled or projected cost for a task, resource, or assignment, based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work. |
The CPI (cost performance index) field shows the ratio of budgeted (or baseline) costs of work performed to actual costs of work performed, up to the project status date or today's date. |
The Cumulative Actual Work field contains the actual work done by all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The Cumulative Cost field shows the scheduled cumulative timephased cost for a task, resource, or assignment to date. |
The Cumulative % Complete field shows cumulative percent complete values for a task as distributed over time. |
The Cumulative Work field contains the time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The CV (earned value cost variance) field shows the difference between how much it should have cost and how much it has actually cost to achieve the current level of completion up to the status date or today's date. |
The CV% (cost variance percent) field shows the ratio of cost variance (CV) to budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), expressed as a percentage. |
The Fixed Cost field shows any nonresource task expense. |
The Overallocation field indicates whether any one of the assigned resources on a task is assigned to more work on the task, or whether a resource is assigned to do more work on all assigned tasks, than can be done in the normal working capacity. |
The Overtime Work field contains the amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task, for all tasks assigned to a resource, or by a resource on a task, and charged at the overtime rates of the resources involved. |
The % Complete field contains the current status of a task, expressed as the percentage of the task's duration that has been completed. |
The Regular Work field shows the total amount of nonovertime work scheduled to be performed by resources. |
The Remaining Actual Tasks field shows the total number of actual subtasks that remain to be completed for a summary task on a given day. This field also shows the total number of actual tasks that remain to be completed for a subproject on a given day. |
The Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field contains the work that still needs to be completed on a task or by a resource assigned to a task. |
The Remaining Cumulative Work fields contain the remaining amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The Remaining Tasks field shows the total number of scheduled subtasks that remain to be completed for a summary task on a given day. The Remaining Tasks field also shows the total number of scheduled tasks that remain to be completed for a subproject on a given day. |
The SPI (schedule performance index) field shows the ratio of the budgeted cost of work performed to the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWP/BCWS). |
The SV (earned value schedule variance) field shows the difference in cost between the current progress and the baseline plan of a task, all assigned tasks of a resource, or for an assignment up to the status date or today's date. |
The SV% (schedule variance percent) field shows the ratio of schedule variance (SV) to budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), expressed as a percentage. |
The Work field shows the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources, the total time to which a resource is scheduled on all assigned tasks, or the total amount of time scheduled for a resource on a task. |
Field |
Description |
The Accrue At field provides choices for how and when resource standard and overtime costs are to be charged, or accrued, to the cost of a task. |
The Actual Cost field shows costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks, along with any other recorded costs associated with the task. |
The Actual Finish field shows the date and time when a task or assignment was completed. |
The Actual Overtime Cost field shows costs incurred for overtime work already performed on tasks by assigned resources. |
The Actual Overtime Work field contains the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The Actual Start field shows the date and time that a task or an assignment actually began, based on progress information that you entered. |
The Actual Work field shows the amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The ACWP (actual cost of work performed) field shows costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date. |
The Assignment field indicates whether the row is an assignment row instead of a task or resource row. |
The Assignment Delay field shows the time a resource must wait before starting work on an assignment. No information is actually displayed in the Assignment Delay fields; they only make the corresponding Assignment Delay field information available. |
The Assignment Units field shows how much the assigned resources are allocated to a task. |
The Available From field shows the starting date that a resource is available for work at the units specified for the current time period. |
The Available To field shows the end date that a resource is available for work at the units specified for the current time period. |
The Base Calendar field indicates which calendar is the base calendar for a resource calendar. |
The Baseline Budget Cost field displays the originally planned budget for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Budget Work field displays the originally planned budget work amounts for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Cost field shows the total planned cost for a task, a resource for all assigned tasks, or for work to be performed by a resource on a task. |
The Baseline Finish field shows the planned completion date for a task or assignment at the time that you saved a baseline. |
The Baseline Start field shows the planned start date for a task or assignment at the time that you saved a baseline. |
The Baseline Work field shows the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Cost fields store the originally planned budget cost amounts for cost resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Work fields store the originally planned budget work amounts for work resources and material resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Cost fields store the total planned cost for a task, a resource, or an assignment. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Finish fields store the planned completion date for a task or resource assignment at the time that you save a corresponding baseline. |
The baseline start fields (Baseline1 Start through Baseline10 Start) store the planned start date for a task or assignment at the time that you save a corresponding baseline. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Work fields store the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the cumulative value of the task's, resource's, or assignments's percent complete multiplied by the timephased baseline costs. |
The BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled) field contains the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date. |
The Budget field is used to view or change whether a work, material, or cost resource is a budget resource, that is, a resource whose work, material, or costs should be tracked in the project. |
The Budget Cost field is used to enter or review budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Budget Work field is used to enter or review budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Can Level field indicates whether resource leveling can be done on a resource. |
The Code field contains any code, abbreviation, or number you want to enter as part of a resource's information. |
The Confirmed field indicates whether resources assigned to a tasks have accepted or rejected their task assignments. |
The Cost field shows the total scheduled or projected cost for a task, resource, or assignment, based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work. |
For a work resource (people and equipment), the Cost Per Use field shows the cost that accrues every time that a resource is used. It is added every time that a work resource unit is assigned to a task. |
The Cost Rate Table field provides choices for which cost rate table to use for the resources assigned to a task. |
The Cost Type field displays the cost type, as selected in the Cost Type lookup table, which is shipped with Microsoft Project Server and can be modified to reflect the organization’s specific cost types. Project Professional only |
The Cost Variance field shows the difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Cost1 through Cost10 fields can store custom task, resource, or assignment cost information. |
The Created field contains the date and time when a resource was added to the project. |
The CV (earned value cost variance) field shows the difference between how much it should have cost and how much it has actually cost to achieve the current level of completion up to the status date or today's date. |
The Date1 through Date10 fields store task, resource, or assignment date information. |
The Default Assignment Owner field contains the name of the enterprise user who is responsible for entering status on a given assignment. Project Professional only |
The Duration1 through Duration10 fields store any task, resource, or assignment duration information. |
The E-mail Address field contains the e-mail address of a resource. |
The Enterprise field shows whether a resource is from the enterprise resource pool (Yes) or the local resource pool (No). |
The Enterprise Base Calendar field indicates whether the resource is assigned to a base calendar from the enterprise global template. |
The Enterprise Cost1 through Enterprise Cost10 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment cost information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Date1 through Enterprise Date30 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment date information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Duration1 through Enterprise Duration10 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment duration information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Flag1 through Enterprise Flag20 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment flag information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Project Number1 through Enterprise Project Number40 fields can store any custom project number information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Required Values field indicates whether the resource has the necessary required values for Project Server. |
The Enterprise Resource Outline Code1 through Enterprise Resource Outline Code29 fields contain an alphanumeric code that represents a flat list or hierarchical structure of resources (for example, skill codes or job codes). Project Professional only |
When multiple enterprise projects are open, resource views display all resources from all open projects of the same version (for example, all published versions of open projects). |
The Enterprise Text1 through Enterprise Text40 fields can store any custom text information for tasks, resources, or assignments as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions Project Professional only |
Enterprise resources are available to all projects in Project Server. |
The Error message field is used by the Import Resources Wizard and Import Project Wizard to show errors upon importing resource and task information respectively into Project Server. Project Professional only |
The Finish1 through Finish10 fields can store any task, resource, or assignment finish date information. |
The Finish field shows the date when a resource is scheduled to complete work on all assigned tasks. |
The Flag1 through Flag20 field indicates whether a task, resource, or assignment is marked for additional action or identification of some kind. |
The Generic field indicates whether a resource is generic or not. |
The Group field contains the name of the group that a resource belongs to. |
The Group By Summary field indicates whether this row in the task or resource sheet is the summary row for tasks or resources grouped by a particular category. |
The Hyperlink field shows the title or explanatory text for a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink Address field contains the address for a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink Href field contains the combination, or concatenation, of the Hyperlink Address and Hyperlink SubAddress fields associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink SubAddress field contains the specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The ID field contains the identifier number that Project automatically assigns to each task or resource as you add them to the project. |
The Import field specifies whether a resource should be imported into Project Server as an enterprise resource. It is part of the Import Resources Wizard. Project Professional only |
Enterprise resources are not deleted. Instead, they are made inactive by a user who has administrative rights. |
The Indicators field displays indicators that give different types of information about a task or resource. |
The Initials field shows the abbreviation for a resource name. |
The Leveling Delay field contains the time that a task or assignment is to be delayed from its early start date because of resource leveling. |
The Linked Fields field indicates whether there are OLE links to the task, resource, or assignment, either from elsewhere in this project file, from another Microsoft Project file, or from another program. |
The Material Label field contains the unit of measurement you enter for a material resource, for example, tons, boxes, or cubic yards. |
The Max Units field contains the maximum percentage or number of units representing the maximum capacity for which a resource is available to accomplish any tasks during the current time period. |
The Name field contains the name of a task or a resource. |
The Notes field contains comments you can enter about a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Number1 through Number20 fields store any numeric information that you want to include in your project that relate to tasks, resources, or assignments. |
The Objects field contains the number of objects attached to a task or associated with a resource. |
The Outline Code1 through Outline Code10 fields contain an alphanumeric code you define to represent a hierarchical structure of tasks or resources. |
The Overallocated field indicates whether a resource is assigned to more work on a specific task or all tasks than can be completed within normal working capacity. |
The Overtime Cost field shows the total overtime cost for a task, for a resource on all assigned tasks, or for a resource assignment. |
The Overtime Rate field shows the rate of pay for overtime work performed by a resource. |
The Overtime Work field contains the amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task, for all tasks assigned to a resource, or by a resource on a task, and charged at the overtime rates of the resources involved. |
The Peak field contains the maximum percentage or number of units for which a resource is assigned at any one time for tasks. |
The % Work Complete field contains the current status of a task, resource, or assignment, expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed. |
The Phonetics field is used only in the Japanese version of Project. |
The Project field shows the name of the subprojects where tasks, resources, or assignments originate. |
The RBS field contains the Resource Breakdown Structure, also known as the User Breakdown Structure. |
The Regular Work field shows the total amount of nonovertime work scheduled to be performed by resources. |
The Remaining Cost field shows the remaining scheduled expense that will be incurred in completing the remaining scheduled work. |
The Remaining Overtime Cost field shows the remaining scheduled overtime expense for a task, resource, or assignment |
The Remaining Overtime Work field shows the amount of remaining scheduled overtime. |
The Remaining Work field shows the time, such as person-hours or days, still required to complete a task or set of tasks. |
The Resource Calendar GUID field contains the generated unique identification codes for each resource calendar in your project. No two resource calendars will have the same Resource Calendar GUID. |
The Resource Departments field contains the name of the department with which the selected resource is associated, as selected in the Department lookup table, which is shipped with Microsoft Project Server and can be modified to reflect the organization’s specific department names. Project Professional only |
The Resource GUID field contains the generated unique identification code for each resource in your project. No two resources will have the same Resource GUID. |
The Response Pending field indicates whether an acknowledgement has been received from team members assigned to tasks. |
The Standard Rate field shows the rate of pay for regular, non-overtime work performed by a resource. |
The Start field shows the date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task. |
The Start1 through Start10 fields show any specific task, resource, or assignment start date information that you want to enter and store separately in your project. |
The Summary field indicates whether the assignment information for resources used in the current project is from the currently open project or another project that uses the same resources. |
The SV (earned value schedule variance) field shows the difference in cost between the current progress and the baseline plan of a task, all assigned tasks of a resource, or for an assignment up to the status date or today's date. |
The Team Assignment Pool field shows whether the current resource is a team resource. Project Professional only |
The Task Summary Name field contains the names of the summary tasks for the task associated with a resource assignment. |
he TeamStatus Pending field indicates whether you've received a response to a progress request you've sent to a resource about assigned tasks. |
The Text1 through Text30 fields store any text information that you want to include in your project about tasks, resources, or assignments. |
The Type field provides choices that control the effect that editing work, assignment units, or duration has on the calculations of the other two fields. |
The Unique ID field contains the number that Project automatically designates whenever a new task, resource, or assignment is created in the current project. |
The Update Needed field indicates whether a Project Server update should be sent to the assigned team members because of changes to a task's start date, finish date, or assignments. |
The VAC field shows the variance at completion (VAC), which is the difference between the budgeted at completion (BAC) or baseline cost and estimated at completion (EAC) cost for a task, resource, or assignment on a task. |
The Windows User Account field contains the Microsoft Windows user name that you enter for a work resource. |
The Work field shows the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources, the total time to which a resource is scheduled on all assigned tasks, or the total amount of time scheduled for a resource on a task. |
The Work Contour field provides choices for the contour shape to use for the resources assigned to a task. |
The Work Variance field contains the difference between baseline work of a task, resource, or assignment and the currently scheduled work. |
Field |
Description |
The Actual Cost field shows costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks together with any other recorded costs associated with the task. |
The Actual Overtime Work field contains the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The Actual Work field shows the amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The ACWP (actual cost of work performed) field shows costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date. |
The Baseline Budget Cost field displays the originally planned budget for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Budget Work field displays the originally planned budget work amounts for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Cost field shows the total planned cost for a task, a resource for all assigned tasks, or for work to be performed by a resource on a task. |
The Baseline Work field shows the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Cumulative Work fields contain the amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time, when the baseline was set. |
The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Remaining Cumulative Work fields contain the remaining amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, when the baseline was set. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Cost fields store the originally planned budget cost amounts for cost resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Work fields store the originally planned budget work amounts for work resources and material resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Cost fields store the total planned cost for a task, a resource, or an assignment. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Work fields store the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the cumulative value of the task's, resource's, or assignments's percent complete multiplied by the timephased baseline costs. |
The BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled) field contains the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date. |
The Budget Cost field is used to enter or review budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary tasks are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Budget Work field is used to enter or review budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resource |
The Cost field shows the total scheduled or projected cost for a task, resource, or assignment, based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work. |
The Cumulative Actual Work field contains the actual work done by all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The Cumulative Cost field shows the scheduled cumulative timephased cost for a task, resource, or assignment to date. |
The Cumulative Work field contains the time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The CV (earned value cost variance) field shows the difference between how much it should have cost and how much it has actually cost to achieve the current level of completion up to the status date or today's date. |
The Overallocation field indicates whether any one of the assigned resources on a task is assigned to more work on the task, or whether a resource is assigned to do more work on all assigned tasks, than can be done within the normal working capacity. |
The Overtime Work field contains the amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task, for all tasks assigned to a resource, or by a resource on a task, and charged at the overtime rates of the resources involved. |
The Peak Units field contains the percentage or number of units to which a resource is assigned at any time for tasks as distributed over time. |
The Percent Allocation field contains the percentage that represents the total amount of a resource's capacity being allocated to tasks. |
The Regular Work field shows the total amount of nonscheduled to be performed by resources. |
The Remaining Availability field contains the time remaining that a resource will be available for work. |
The Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field contains the work that still needs to be completed on a task or by a resource assigned to a task. |
The Remaining Cumulative Work fields contain the remaining amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The SV (earned value schedule variance) field shows the difference in cost between the current progress and the baseline plan of a task, all assigned tasks of a resource, or for an assignment up to the status date or today's date. |
The Unit Availability field contains the percentage or number of maximum units that a work resource is available to accomplish on any tasks during any selected time period, as distributed over time. |
The Work field shows the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources, the total time to which a resource is scheduled on all assigned tasks, or the total amount of time scheduled for a resource on a task. |
The Work Availability field contains the maximum time a work resource is available to be scheduled for work during any selected time period, as distributed over time. |
Field |
Description |
The Actual Cost field shows costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks together with any other recorded costs associated with the task. |
The Actual Finish field shows the date and time when a task or assignment was completed. |
The Actual Overtime Cost field shows costs incurred for overtime work already performed on tasks by assigned resources. |
The Actual Overtime Work field contains the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The Actual Start field shows the date and time that a task or an assignment actually began, based on progress information that you entered. |
The Actual Work field shows the amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The ACWP (actual cost of work performed) field shows costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date. |
The Assignment field indicates whether the row is an assignment row instead of a task or resource row. |
The Assignment Delay field shows the time a resource must wait before starting work on an assignment. No information is actually displayed in the Assignment Delay fields; they only make the corresponding Assignment Delay field information available. |
The Assignment Owner field contains the name of the user who is responsible for entering status in Project Web App for the current assignment. Project Professional only |
The Assignment Units field shows how much the assigned resources are allocated to a task. |
The Baseline Budget Cost field displays the originally planned budget for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Budget Work field displays the originally planned budget work amounts for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Cost field shows the total planned cost for a task, a resource for all assigned tasks, or for work to be performed by a resource on a task. |
The Baseline Finish field shows the planned completion date for a task or assignment at the time that you saved a baseline. |
The Baseline Start field shows the planned start date for a task or assignment at the time that you saved a baseline. |
The Baseline Work field shows the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Cost fields store the originally planned budget cost amounts for cost resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Work fields store the originally planned budget work amounts for work resources and material resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Cost fields store the total planned cost for a task, a resource, or an assignment. |
When you set a baseline, Microsoft Project copies the Scheduled Finish dates for a task or assignment and stores them in the Baseline Estimated Finish fields (Baseline Estimated Finish to Baseline1 Estimated Finish through Baseline10 Estimated Finish). This is true whether the tasks are manually or automatically scheduled. |
When you set a baseline, Microsoft Project copies the Scheduled Start dates for a task or assignment and stores them in the Baseline Estimated Start fields (Baseline Estimated Start to Baseline1 Estimated Start through Baseline10 Estimated Start). This is true whether the tasks are manually or automatically scheduled. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Finish fields store the planned completion date for a task or resource assignment at the time that you save a corresponding baseline. |
The baseline start fields (Baseline1 Start through Baseline10 Start) store the planned start date for a task or assignment at the time that you save a corresponding baseline. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Work fields store the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the cumulative value of the task's, resource's, or assignments's percent complete multiplied by the timephased baseline costs. |
The BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled) field contains the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date. |
The Budget Cost field is used to enter or review budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Budget Work field is used to enter or review budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Confirmed field indicates whether resources assigned to a tasks have accepted or rejected their task assignments. |
The Cost field shows the total scheduled or projected cost for a task, resource, or assignment, based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work. |
The Cost Rate Table field provides choices for which cost rate table to use for the resources assigned to a task. |
The Cost Variance assignment field shows the difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Cost1 through Cost10 fields can store custom task, resource, or assignment cost information. |
The Critical field indicates whether a task or an assignment's task has any room in the schedule to slip, or if a task is on the critical path. |
The CV (earned value cost variance) field shows the difference between how much it should have cost and how much it has actually cost to achieve the current level of completion up to the status date or today's date. |
The Date1 through Date10 fields store task, resource, or assignment date information. |
The Duration1 through Duration10 fields store any task, resource, or assignment duration information. |
The Enterprise Cost1 through Enterprise Cost10 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment cost information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Date1 through Enterprise Date30 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment date information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Duration1 through Enterprise Duration10 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment duration information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Flag1 through Enterprise Flag20 fields can store any custom task, resource, or assignment flag information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Project Number1 through Enterprise Project Number40 fields can store any custom project number information as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions. Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Resource Outline Code1 through Enterprise Resource Outline Code29 fields contain an alphanumeric code that represents a flat list or hierarchical structure of resources (for example, skill codes or job codes). Project Professional only |
The Enterprise Text1 through Enterprise Text40 fields can store any custom text information for tasks, resources, or assignments as defined by your project management administrator or other user who has administrative permissions Project Professional only |
The Finish field shows the date when an assigned resource is scheduled to complete work on a task. |
The Finish Variance field contains the time that represents the difference between the baseline finish date of a task or assignment and its current finish date. |
The Finish1 through Finish10 fields can store any task, resource, or assignment finish date information. |
The Flag1 through Flag20 fields indicate whether a task, resource, or assignment is marked for additional action or identification of some kind. |
The Hyperlink field shows the title or explanatory text for a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink Address field contains the address for a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink Href field contains the combination, or concatenation, of the Hyperlink Address and Hyperlink SubAddress fields associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Hyperlink SubAddress field contains the specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Leveling Delay field contains the time that a task or assignment is to be delayed from its early start date because of resource leveling. |
The Linked Fields field indicates whether there are OLE links to the task, resource, or assignment, either from elsewhere in this project file, from another Microsoft Project file, or from another program. |
The Notes field contains comments you can enter about a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Number1 through Number20 fields store any numeric information that you want to include in your project that relate to tasks, resources, or assignments. |
The Outline Level field indicates the position of a task or assignment in the project outline hierarchy. |
The Overallocated field indicates whether a resource is assigned to more work on a specific task or all tasks than can be completed within normal working capacity. |
The Overtime Cost field shows the total overtime cost for a task, for a resource on all assigned tasks, or for a resource assignment. |
The Overtime Work field contains the amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task, for all tasks assigned to a resource, or by a resource on a task, and charged at the overtime rates of the resources involved. |
The Peak field contains the maximum percentage or number of units for which a resource is assigned at any one time for tasks. |
The % Work Complete field contains the current status of a task, resource, or assignment, expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed. |
The Priority field indicates the level of importance given to a task, which in turn indicates how readily a task or assignment can be delayed or split during resource leveling. |
The Project field shows the name of the subprojects where tasks, resources, or assignments originate. |
The RBS field contains the Resource Breakdown Structure, also known as the User Breakdown Structure. |
The Regular Work field shows the total amount of nonovertime work scheduled to be performed by resources. |
The Remaining Cost field shows the remaining scheduled expense that will be incurred in completing the remaining scheduled work. |
The Remaining Overtime Cost field shows the remaining scheduled overtime expense for a task, resource, or assignment |
The Remaining Overtime Work field shows the amount of remaining scheduled overtime. |
The Remaining Work field shows the time, such as person-hours or days, still required to complete a task or set of tasks. |
The Request/Demand field provides choices for how resources are to be assigned when you are using the Resource Substitution Wizard. |
The Resource Group field contains the groups to which resources belong. |
The Resource ID field contains the identifier number that Project assigns to each resource. |
The Resource Initials field shows the abbreviations for the names of resources. |
The Resource Name field contains the name of the resource to which an assignment belongs. |
The Resource Type field indicates whether the resource for this assignment is a work or material resource. |
The Response Pending field indicates whether an acknowledgement has been received from team members assigned to tasks. |
The Start field shows the date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task. |
The Start Variance field contains the time that represents the difference between a baseline start date of a task or assignment and its currently scheduled start date. |
The Start1 through Start10 fields show any specific task, resource, or assignment start date information that you want to enter and store separately in your project. |
The SV (earned value schedule variance) field shows the difference in cost between the current progress and the baseline plan of a task, all assigned tasks of a resource, or for an assignment up to the status date or today's date. |
The Task ID field contains the number that Project assigns to each task as you add it to the project. |
The Task Name field contains the name of the task to which an assignment belongs. |
The Task Outline Number field contains the number that represents the associated task's position in the hierarchical outline structure. |
The Task Summary Name field contains the names of the summary tasks for the task associated with a resource assignment. |
he TeamStatus Pending field indicates whether you've received a response to a progress request you've sent to a resource about assigned tasks. |
The Text1 through Text30 fields store any text information that you want to include in your project about tasks, resources, or assignments. |
The Unique ID field contains the number that Project automatically designates whenever a new task, resource, or assignment is created in the current project. |
The Update Needed field indicates whether a Project Server update should be sent to the assigned team members because of changes to a task's start date, finish date, or assignments. |
The VAC field shows the variance at completion (VAC), which is the difference between the budgeted at completion (BAC) or baseline cost and estimated at completion (EAC) cost for a task, resource, or assignment on a task. |
The WBS field contains work breakdown structure (WBS) codes, which are alphanumeric codes you can use to represent the associated task's position in the hierarchical structure of the project. |
The Work field shows the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources, the total time to which a resource is scheduled on all assigned tasks, or the total amount of time scheduled for a resource on a task. |
The Work Contour field provides choices for the contour shape to use for the resources assigned to a task. |
The Work Variance field contains the difference between baseline work of a task, resource, or assignment and the currently scheduled work. |
Field |
Description |
The Actual Cost field shows costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks together with any other recorded costs associated with the task. |
The Actual Overtime Work field contains the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The Actual Work field shows the amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks. The timephased versions of these fields show values distributed over time. |
The ACWP (actual cost of work performed) field shows costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date. |
The Baseline Budget Cost field displays the originally planned budget for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Budget Work field displays the originally planned budget work amounts for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Baseline Cost field shows the total planned cost for a task, a resource for all assigned tasks, or for work to be performed by a resource on a task. |
The Baseline Work field shows the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Cumulative Work fields contain the amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time, when the baseline was set. |
The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Remaining Cumulative Work fields contain the remaining amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, when the baseline was set. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Cost fields store the originally planned budget cost amounts for cost resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Work fields store the originally planned budget work amounts for work resources and material resources that are specifically identified as budget resources. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Cost fields store the total planned cost for a task, a resource, or an assignment. |
The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Work fields store the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment. |
The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the cumulative value of the task's, resource's, or assignments's percent complete multiplied by the timephased baseline costs. |
The BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled) field contains the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date. |
The Budget Cost field is used to enter or review budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Budget Work field is used to enter or review budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task. |
The Cost field shows the total scheduled or projected cost for a task, resource, or assignment, based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work. |
The Cumulative Actual Work field contains the actual work done by all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The Cumulative Cost field shows the scheduled cumulative timephased cost for a task, resource, or assignment to date. |
The Cumulative Work field contains the time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The CV (earned value cost variance) field shows the difference between how much it should have cost and how much it has actually cost to achieve the current level of completion up to the status date or today's date. |
The Overallocation field indicates whether any one of the assigned resources on a task is assigned to more work on the task, or whether a resource is assigned to do more work on all assigned tasks, than can be done within the normal working capacity. |
The Overtime Work field contains the amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task, for all tasks assigned to a resource, or by a resource on a task, and charged at the overtime rates of the resources involved. |
The Peak Units field contains the percentage or number of units to which a resource is assigned at any one time for tasks as distributed over time. |
The % Allocation field contains the percentage that represents the total amount of a resource's capacity being allocated to tasks. |
The Regular Work field shows the total amount of nonovertime work scheduled to be performed by resources. |
The Remaining Availability field contains the time remaining that a resource will be available for work. |
The Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field contains the work that still needs to be completed on a task or by a resource assigned to a task. |
The Remaining Cumulative Work fields contain the remaining amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time. |
The SV (earned value schedule variance) field shows the difference in cost between the current progress and the baseline plan of a task, all assigned tasks of a resource, or for an assignment up to the status date or today's date. |
The Work field shows the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources, the total time to which a resource is scheduled on all assigned tasks, or the total amount of time scheduled for a resource on a task. |
Field |
Description |
The Areas Impacted field contains examples of areas that could be affected by a proposal, as selected in the Areas Impacted lookup table, which is shipped with Microsoft Project Server and can be modified to reflect the organization’s specific areas. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Assumptions field contains key assumptions for the current proposal. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Business Need field is used to specify the business requirement for the current proposal. When you add information, be sure to be as specific as possible. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Committed Planned End Date field specifies the finish date of the project as committed to in a Portfolio Selection Scenario during resource constraint analysis. Project Professional only |
The Committed Planned Start Date field shows the beginning date of the project as committed to in a Portfolio Selection Scenario during resource constraint analysis. Project Professional only |
Committed Portfolio Selection Decision (Cost) (project field) |
The Committed Portfolio Selection Decision (Cost) field shows the result of a cost constraint analysis on a project. You can choose Selected, Unselected, Forced-In/Out, or Custom Forced-In/Out. Project Professional only |
Committed Portfolio Selection Decision (Schedule) (project field) |
The Committed Portfolio Selection Decision (Schedule) field shows the commitment date of a Portfolio Selection Scenario as determined during schedule constraint analysis. Project Professional only |
Committed Portfolio Selection Decision Date (Cost) (project field) |
The Committed Portfolio Selection Decision Date (Cost) field shows the commitment date of a Portfolio Selection Scenario as determined during cost constraint analysis. Project Professional only |
Committed Portfolio Selection Decision Date (Schedule) (project field) |
The Committed Portfolio Selection Decision Date (Schedule) field shows the result of a schedule constraint analysis on a project. You can choose Selected, Unselected, Forced-In/Out, or Custom Forced-In/Out. Project Professional only |
The Compliance Proposal field indicates whether the current proposal is for a project that helps meet a compliance goal, that is, whether the project is required by law, regulation, or other requirements. Project Professional only |
The Goals field contains the measurable goals of the current proposal. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Post Implementation Review Date field indicates when the Post Implementation Review meeting was or will be held. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Post Implementation Review Notes field stores review meeting notes or a link to a meeting notes publication for the post-implementation review. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Primary Objectives field contains the primary objectives for the current proposal, as selected in the Primary Objective lookup table, which is shipped with Microsoft Project Server and can be modified to reflect the organization’s specific objective statements. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Project Departments field contains the name of the department with which the selected project is associated, as selected in the Department lookup table, which is shipped with Microsoft Project Server and can be modified to reflect the organization’s specific department names. Project Professional only |
The Proposal Cost field stores the estimated cost for the proposed project. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Proposed Finish Date field contains the estimated end date for the current proposal. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Proposed Start Date field contains the estimated beginning date for the current proposal. This field is controlled by the workflow. Project Professional only |
The Workflow Phase Name field specifies the current workflow phase for a selected project. A phase represents a collection of stages grouped together to identify a common set of activities in the project life cycle. Typical workflow phases are Create, Select, Plan, and Manage, although these phase names may be customized. This field is a component of the Microsoft Project Server workflow framework. Project Professional only |
The Workflow Stage Info field describes the current workflow stage for a selected project. A stage represents a single step within a project life cycle, and one or more stages can make up a workflow phase. This field is a component of the Microsoft Project Server workflow framework. Project Professional only |
The Workflow Stage Name field specifies the current workflow stage name for a selected project. A stage represents a single step within a project life cycle, and one or more stages can make up a workflow phase. This field is a component of the Microsoft Project Server workflow framework. Project Professional only |
The Workflow State field indicates a selected proposal or project’s current workflow state—for example, Waiting For Approval or Completed. This field is a component of the Microsoft Project Server workflow framework. Project Professional only |