Applies ToWord Starter 2010

Microsoft Word Starter 2010 is a simplified version of Word that comes pre-loaded on your computer. Word Starter includes features that are basic to creating and working with documents, but it does not include the rich set of features found in the full version of Word. This article lists the differences in features between Word Starter and the full version of Word.

If you find that you need a richer set of features than what Word Starter provides, you can easily upgrade from Word Starter to Word. On the Home tab, click Purchase to visit an online retailer, where you can purchase and download Office right away.

Document content

This feature in Word...

Is supported this way in Word Starter...


Not available

Add-ins cannot be installed with Word Starter. If you open a document that was created with the help of a Word add-in, some features in the document may not be supported.

SmartArt graphics

Not available to create

If you open a document that contains SmartArt, you can edit and format the text, format the shape, and cut, copy, paste, or delete the entire SmartArt graphic.


Not available to create

If you open a document that contains bookmarks, you can click bookmark links to jump to the bookmarks.

Cross reference

Not available to create

If you open a document that contains cross-references, you can refresh the data or delete the cross-reference.

Table of contents

Not available to create

If you open a document that contains a table of contents, you can refresh the data, copy and paste items, format the text, or delete the table of contents.

Footnotes and endnotes

Not available to create

If you open a document that contains footnotes or endnotes, you can click the footnote or endnote link to jump to the footnote or endnote. You can also cut, copy, or paste the footnote or endnote, and you can format the text.


Not available to create

If you open a document that contains captions, you can refresh the data. You can also cut, copy, or paste the index entries, and you can format the text.


Not available to create

If you open a document that contains an index, you can refresh the data. You can also cut, copy, or paste the footnote or endnote, and you can format the text.


Not available to create

If you open a document that contains formatted equations, you can display them inline, and you can edit them. You can also cut, copy, paste, or delete an equation, and you can format the text.

Table of figures

Not available to create

If you open a document that contains a table of figures, you can refresh the data. You can also cut, copy, or paste the items, and you can format the text.

Table of authorities

Not available to create

If you open a document that contains a table of authorities, you can refresh the data. You can also cut, copy, or paste the items, and you can format the text.

Citations and bibliography

Not available to create

If you open a document that contains citations and a bibliography, you can edit citations and sources, and you can refresh the data. You can also cut, copy, or paste citations and sources, and you can format the text.

Signature line

Not available to create, digital signing not available

If you open a document that contains a signature line with a valid signature, you can view the signature details. You can also cut, copy, paste, delete, or resize the signature line.

Quick parts, including content controls, AutoText, and fields

Content controls are not available to create. If you open a document that contains content controls, you can edit the content of the controls or delete the content controls.

Certain types of AutoText (reusable content), document properties, and fields can be inserted in the document by means other than the Quick Part gallery. For example, in Word Starter you can insert the current page number or the current date and time with commands on the Insert tab.


Objects can be added to a document by dragging and dropping them onto the document. Some types of objects are rendered as images, but others are available by clicking the File tab and then clicking Open, if the software for opening the object is installed on your computer.


Not available to create or delete

If you open a document that contains comments, you can format and edit the text in the comments.

Files in the following formats:

  • .dsn

  • .mde

  • .accde

  • .odc

  • .udl

  • .wll

These files do not open in Word Starter.

Program features

Word feature

Availability in Word Starter

Quick Access Toolbar

You can display the Quick Access Toolbar above or below the ribbon, but you cannot add or remove commands from it.


This feature is not available in Word Starter. It relies upon customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, and that is not supported in Word Starter.

Ribbon customizations

The Word Starter ribbon cannot be customized, but you can minimize and expand it by pressing CTRL+F1..

Change tracking

If you open a document that was changed while the Track Changes feature was turned on, you will see editing marks in the document. You cannot accept or reject the changes, and you cannot turn change tracking on or off in Word Starter.

Building Blocks Organizer

The Building Blocks Organizer is not available in Word Starter to customize the Cover Pages, Header, Footer, Page Number, and Text Box galleries. The galleries themselves are available in Word Starter, and they include items that are available from while you are connected to the Internet.

Document protection

You cannot turn document protection on or off. If you open a document that has protection turned on, you can make changes only where you have permission to do so.

Language packs

Proofing tools are supported, but you cannot change the language of the user interface or help.


You can share your document by saving it to Windows Live OneDrive, a network location, or by sending it in e-mail. However, Word Starter does not include a command for sending your document as an Internet fax or for saving your document to a SharePoint site.

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