
If email is going to your Junk folder by mistake, you can mark it as Not junk or add the sender to your Safe Senders list. Marking email as Not junk also helps us improve our service.

To mark an email message as Not junk in

  1. Open your Junk Email folder and select the messages you want to keep.

  2. From the top toolbar, select Not junk > Not junk (or Not spam > Not spam). You can also open the message and select the It's not junk link at the top.

  3. If you've blocked someone by mistake, open your Blocked senders list and select the Remove next to their name.

  4. Add the sender to your Safe senders list.

To stop email from going to your Deleted Items by mistake

Messages in your Junk folder are automatically deleted between 10 and 30 days after they arrive.

  1. Check that the sender is not in your Blocked senders list. If they are, select the Remove next to their name and add the sender to your Safe senders list instead.

  2. Check that you don't have an Inbox Rule running for the sender or a keyword in the deleted email.

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