Open Immersive Reader for Outlook
Applies ToOutlook για Microsoft 365 Outlook 2016 Προηγμένο πρόγραμμα ανάγνωσης Outlook Web App

Immersive Reader in Outlook for the web and desktop allows you to adjust email text in a way that works best for you. Use Read Aloud to listen to emails being read out loud as each word is highlighted. Modify spacing, color and more for a comfortable, easy-to-process email experience. 

See which Immersive Reader features for Outlook desktop and Outlook for the web are supported in your language.

Use Immersive Reader in Outlook desktop

Important: The following steps are for versions 2111 or later.

  1. Open your Outlook desktop app.

  2. Select the View tab, then select Immersive Reader Icon for Immersive Reader  . Immersive Reader will launch in your email pane. 

  3. Choose the Immersive Reader options that work for you from the ribbon

Screenshot of the immersive reader ribbon in outlook desktop. Options left to right are column width, page color, line focus, text spacing, syllables, read aloud, close immersive reader

Column Width changes line length to improve focus and comprehension.

screenshot of the column width dropdown for immersive reader, options are very narrow, narrow, moderate, wide

Page Color can make text easy to scan with less eye strain.

screenshot of the page color dropdown menu for immersive reader. A color palette is shown and the background visible behind the dropdown is pastel orange

Line Focus removes distractions so that you can move through a document line by line. Adjust the focus to put one, three, or five lines in view at a time.

Screenshot of line focus. the majority of the email is darkened making only one line of text clear to read.

Text Spacing increases the spacing between words, characters, and lines.

Screenshot of the text spacing option of immersive reader, there is a greater distance between letters and between words

Syllables shows breaks between syllables, improving word recognition and pronunciation.

Screenshot of the Syllable feature of immersive reader selected and showing a few word in an email separated into syllables. the word recommendation is shown as rec dot om dot men dot da dot tion

Read Aloud highlights each word as it reads your emails aloud.

  • Drag the Reading speed control to adjust reading speed. Move to the right for text to be read faster and to the left for it to be read slower. Press Play to hear the different speeds.

  • Use the Voice Selection dropdown menu to choose different voices for the reader. Select a voice and then press Play to hear it.

  • Select X to close Read Aloud

screenshot of the Immersive reader voice options toolbar. The mouse hovers over settings revealing a toggle for reading speed and dropdown for voice selection

Close Immersive Reader

Select View > Immersive Reader > Close Immersive Reader

Immersive reader tool in outlook with cursor hovering over "close"

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