Applies ToИздание с абонамент на SharePoint Server SharePoint Server 2019 SharePoint Server 2016 SharePoint Server 2013 SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise SharePoint в Microsoft 365 SharePoint Foundation 2010 SharePoint Server 2010 SharePoint в Microsoft 365 Small Business Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Returns the negative binomial distribution. NEGBINOMDIST returns the probability that there will be number_f failures before the number_s-th success, when the constant probability of a success is probability_s. This function is similar to the binomial distribution, except that the number of successes is fixed, and the number of trials is variable. Like the binomial, trials are assumed to be independent.

For example, you need to find 10 people with excellent reflexes, and you know the probability that a candidate has these qualifications is 0.3. NEGBINOMDIST calculates the probability that you will interview a certain number of unqualified candidates before finding all 10 qualified candidates.



Number_f     is the number of failures.

Number_s     is the threshold number of successes.

Probability_s     is the probability of a success.


  • Number_f and number_s should be >= 0.

  • Number_f and number_s are truncated to integers.

  • If any argument is nonnumeric, NEGBINOMDIST returns the #VALUE! error value.

  • If probability_s < 0 or if probability > 1, NEGBINOMDIST returns the #NUM! error value.

  • The equation for the negative binomial distribution is:



    x is number_f, r is number_s, and p is probability_s.






Description (Result)




=NEGBINOMDIST([Number_f], [Number_s], [Probability_s])

Negative binomial distribution for the specified arguments (0.055049)

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